I don't know if the "woofy" shit is what I like, but I just love it when guitars go like "Ooooommmmmppphh" on the palm mutes. If they don't, it just sounds dead and sterile, and even worse if you're using a digital tone, then it becomes REALLY digital
I've actually experimented with this some while ago. On my very first project, last summer, I just simply high passed the guitars at like 150 hz. Instant thin sound and it turned out crappy, however, the bass guitar managed to fill it in so it was somewhat OK in the end. But with my latest tone, I've only high passed at like 50 hz or something to get rid of the absolutely unnecessary lows, and then just multibanded the rest of the fuckers. Resulted in a very fat sound and it really helped the "digital sterileness" by tons and tons.
Here is a short clip. Just scratch guitars and scratch drums (programmed), but the sound is much more meaty since I compressed the lows instead of just cutting them out. Gives the guitars a bit more realistic dynamics too... I love that bass "thump" that is generated through a real cab, even if you pick lighter strings, which I'm kinda getting now. The tone could still need tweaking as usual, but it should be far better than my previous tone that I was seriously planning to use for something... gotta dig up a clip of that.
Found the old sound!. Unfortunately, this is only 2 guitars... not same DIs but it's the same guitar and strings. I notice now that I play more sloppy on this clip which is only like a month older than the latest... good, I'm getting better

The sound though... seriously, yuck... there are no words to describe how fucking horrible that tone is. I think I stepped it up quite far with my latest tone

Atleast I like to think so! And yeah, on this clip, there is no multiband comp going on I think. Pretty sure atleast..
Edit: The clips have nothing to do with the soldano preamp plug... it was just a little side-topic to the wooliness and woofy stuff