KILLER Soldano VST Preamp

Just curious, has anyone tried reamping a sim like this out to a real power amp/speaker cab? I would, but my diy reamp is in pieces, boo.

Actually, you don't need to use a reamp box when going to a power amp, just a 1/4" cable from the interface to the FX return!
Just curious, has anyone tried reamping a sim like this out to a real power amp/speaker cab? I would, but my diy reamp is in pieces, boo.

I loaded up an amp simulator in Cubase and ran one of the outputs from my Firepod into the FX return on my Marshall DSL 100. It sounded killer! Here is the quote below from the thread where I tried this.

[quote="Evil" Aidy;7713350]Generally, I'm using amp sims to get a guitar tone I'm happy with for recording, mainly the JCM 900 boosted with the TS in Amplitube 2 into Boogex. For the leads I've been using a bit of Wagner Mk2.

So I thought, how is it I'm so happy with the Marshall tone in Amplitube 2 but not with my own amp?

I did a comparison by sending the FX loop of the DSL into my Firepod and recording some stuff and sending it to the same impulse I use in Boogex and it sounded pretty much the same!

So then I decided to send the sounds from Amplitube 2 with the cab part bypassed into my FX return on my DSL. It sounded much better and the trebly frequency that was bugging was pretty much gone. Although Amplitube 2 does model the power section too, (which you can't bypass) so I tried the ACM 900 preamp in Revalver MkII to try and get a pure preamp signal and that gave me an awesome metal Marshall tone.

I also tried Wagner Mk2 into it and that sounded great also, plus some of the Mesa's and Peavey pre-amps. Tones galore!

One funny thing that did happen though, when I was setting it up I forgot to adjust the fader in my DAW and...

AAAAAAAAARGH I'm sure the walls of my house were shaking at the volume!

Not only that, I'd somehow routed DFHS to my amp and that was blasting through my cab too! :lol:


P.s. I can't wait to try this Soldano plug-in. Thanks LePou! :)
So far, I've tried reamplifying several preamp simulators, and Juicy 77 gave me the best tone, in my opinion. Wagner and Wagner 2 were good, but Juicy took it. I haven't tried this one. I will say that quite honestly, if Soldano performs better than Juicy 77, there's almost no point in a hardware preamp.
I finally got off my duff and tried this sim out. It rules LePou. You should be taking donations or start your own damn company or something.
yeah I made a thread a few weeks ago detailing my live rig but basically its wagner out to my poweramp into a marshall cab, I've still a little tweaking to get the rhythm tone as nice and meaty as a real amp but the lead tones are by a good bit the best I've ever had.

some of the cool things too are that you can add vst's like graphic eq's and tempo delays that don't really exist in the hardware world specifically for guitar and run them in real time. really allows you to have FULL control over your sound.

Gonna play with this Soldano through my rig next time I get the chance- I'm liking it alot
So far, I've tried reamplifying several preamp simulators, and Juicy 77 gave me the best tone, in my opinion. Wagner and Wagner 2 were good, but Juicy took it. I haven't tried this one. I will say that quite honestly, if Soldano performs better than Juicy 77, there's almost no point in a hardware preamp.

Agreed. When Catharsis reamped Wagner through the 5150/Mesa OS for me, it sounded unreal and on par with the 5150 and ENGL e520.

I'd love to try this hybrid set-up with the SM Pro Audio V-Machines. You could have access to a ton of high quality preamps, studio fx etc. etc.

The point where software simulation fails seems to be at the cab, mic and capturing the movement and air. Once we get the impulses concept along a bit further, we probably won't even need to throw these preamp sims out to a real cab...
Sorry guys it took long to reply but here are the settings. I'm glad you liked my tone! Signal chain was:

Jackson RR1 w/Tesla active pickups -> Firepod -> TS Secret -> SoldanoVST -> CurveEQ -> Impulse ("Mesa Trad 4x12 V30 SM57 06") -> Eq -> Multiband Comp

Here's a picture of the settings:

I really like way the crunch channel sounds comparing to overdrive channel.
I'm not so convinced about this plugin. Didn't try it out myself yet but by judging the clips so far... lacks saturation and the distortion is weird.
I'll repost my impression once I've tested it for sure :D
Actually, I found it to be much more saturated (and less stuffy) than Wagner, so I dig it! (not a fan of the nasal peak, but a cut at 2k remedies that)
Try it yourself first. I'm fairly convinced that the tonality is better than Wagner, at least. Plus the real deal kicks arse and I can't imagine a copy of it to be a bad thing. I'd love to hear it run through a real power amp and cab, A/B with some real amps.

It's funny you mention the nasal peak, Marcus. I battled with that every single time with the real deal. I thought it was the Soldano cab a lot of the time, but it seems the preamp itself has that peak. Happened with both the X99 and the SLO100.