Kommando lost a finger, no longer in Arghoslent

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If you thought it was interesting you should have said "Sambo people? Interesting words of choice," instead of "That doesn't make any sense," you fucking dolt. By dolt I mean my pals.
Every single thread he posts in is ruined.
Petition for banning him and making GOD admin.
stop making racist comments about me then, I would not say anything if people didn't call me my pals because they dont agree with me.
Gallantry, Im not a my pals, Im not a baboon, Im not a sambo, Im a black person. Im not going to aknowledge someone calling me anything else.
BlackMetalTyrant said:
How about I can word things however the fuck I want queer, and by queer I mean queer.

That's great, you filthy porch monkey. Really, it is. However, you should try wording things so that you communicate your intended meaning to other people. Others cannot understand your private language.
Demiurge said:
That's great, you filthy porch monkey. Really, it is. However, you should try wording things so that you communicate your intended meaning to other people. Others cannot understand your private language.

porch monkey hahaha, thats kinda funny.
I have yet to see Erik spam "GET OUT" 10,000 times in size 30.
Gallantry over Docility said:
just petition deron to ban you you great big gay

Don't get just mad because I think you're too maniacal to be a fair administrator. Get mad because Blut Aus Nord has sucked since Memoria Vetusta.
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