Kommando lost a finger, no longer in Arghoslent

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Life Sucks said:
Big Lipped Tyrone? j/k


That reminded me of the my pals in forest gump with the big ass lips.

... oh yeah, life is like a box of chocolate's!
I know moon cricket isn't random, though I'll admit I've never heard of BLT before.
When I think you or your posts, BMT, the first word I think of is dumbfuck.

The SECOND is my pals... so be happy.
Arghoslent is the most pretentious and arrogant band on the planet. I just don't understand how anyone can consider racist lyrics "intelligent." Of course most people argue that they are "just writing about history," but people who are in fact racist would never come out and admit it. The same excuse works for homophobes against gay marriage, "I'm not against gays, I'm pro-family."

"The more we're known, the more we're despised and ostracised."
"As you see, it is partly by choice..."
They enjoy the notoreity, the shock value of being despised and ostracised. Since gore lyrics aren't rebellious anymore, they rope in angry teens looking to piss off...well anyone really.
Ben_t said:
I was reading this thread and from the end of page 2, I totally forgot what it was about until 3 posts ago.

Thats because the band the thread was about doesn't matter.
Look, I hate racism. With a passion. And I have no problem with black people. I don't say "my pals" outside of quotes on select occasions when necessary.

And most people on this board aren't really racist, either. They just enjoy getting a rise out of people, a pleasure you dole out every time you choose to be offended. It's a board, not real life. Get over it and you'll be surprised how quickly you'll forget to notice.

Arghoslent are a great band. Rich, evocative music with excellent riffwork and aggressive melody. Few bands can match up. Don't discount all their talent and hard work because you don't agree with their lyrical stance. I'm not saying what they're doing is right or wrong. That's subjective and irrelevant. Just don't say they don't matter. They do. They're making music. If you choose to ignore that as well, it's ultimately your loss.
anonymousnick2001 said:
Look, I hate racism. With a passion. And I have no problem with black people. I don't say "my pals" outside of quotes on select occasions when necessary.

And most people on this board aren't really racist, either. They just enjoy getting a rise out of people, a pleasure you dole out every time you choose to be offended. It's a board, not real life. Get over it and you'll be surprised how quickly you'll forget to notice.

Arghoslent are a great band. Rich, evocative music with excellent riffwork and aggressive melody. Few bands can match up. Don't discount all their talent and hard work because you don't agree with their lyrical stance. I'm not saying what they're doing is right or wrong. That's subjective and irrelevant. Just don't say they don't matter. They do. They're making music. If you choose to ignore that as well, it's ultimately your loss.

dude, you cant reason with black people
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