Last movie you've watched

Last week I saw Resident Evil: Afterlife 3D. Was very good and worth the money. I could of done without the 3D though. :popcorn:

Yesterday I saw The Town. It certainly lives up to it's hype. Worth the money. Great movie. I'm quite surprised Ben Affleck is this good at directing. I hear he did good directing on his previous movie Gone Baby Gone. I might check it out.
Wall Street - Money Never Sleeps : good movie but not as good as the original 1980's one

The Social Network - Great movie, very well acted. I predict Oscars for this one.
You Again - ok movie. worth watching

Easy A - loved it especially the leading actress/character. A Lindsey Lohan lookalike etc. but does it just as good ala Mean Girls. She has promise. Good movie, plot etc.
Last 2 movies I saw was The Adjustment Bureau and Battle: LA. Both good movies for different reasons. Some critics panned both movies but what do critics know? They are not always right. anyways both movies are worth the time and money.
Due Date was ok... was entertaining... could of been better... last two movies I saw was Limitless and The Lincoln Lawyer... both excellent movies.. Matthew McCounaughey is great at playing lawyers ala A Time to Kill...
I saw Source Code... great movie... an original plot imo and not a remake for once or a copy of some other movie's plot... Jake and the leading lady were great as were all the others... highly recommended...
The last movie I saw in the theater was Your Highness, which surprisingly had some cool gore/action as well as being pretty funny. Before that I watched From Beyond at my house, another great Lovecraft adaption with none other than Jeffrey Combs of Re-Animator fame.
The Blind Side. Really the best movie ever with Sandra Bullock in it and an extremely good movie over all
I saw The Hangover II this past weekend. Was hilarious as hell. Better then the first one. I won't give any spoilers but you have to go see it if your into comedies or the first Hangover movie...
I think the last movie I saw on cinema would be The Hangover. It was a good movie, though you can never hide that it resembled the first installment of the movie. But I guess that was their goal and just turned it up a notch.

There were a lot of hilarious moments especially when Ken Jeong was introduced in the movie. That guy is really funny and what is even more amazing is the detach that he is serious in real life.
I've seen alot of movies since I last posted in this thread... too many to list... but some movies i will recommend, some highly:

1. The Descendants
2. Contraband
3. Safe House
4. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo - american version
5. Sherlock Holmes - Game of Shadows
6. Underworld - Awakening , but I have never been crazy about the whole Hybrid storyline on the wolf side.
7. Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol
8. J. Edgar
9. Thor
10. Tree Of Life
Conan The Barbarian. The new version. Isn't even close to the Schwarzenegger one.
With that said, my new favorite is Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy
if you going by release date
the most recently released movie i've watched was
the Avengers
if you're going by movie i've most recently watched, it was