Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

Sup with this puke green/poo brown awhrwhhwfge

Totally got myself an Apprentice cook position where I work.
Shit just got real. Double hourly wage, double the hours, quad pay.

Apartment searching time :cool:
that is how I start, get yourself to there and THEN sit back into your hips. Feels good man. And btw your knees MAY move slightly past toes

Yeah tried it again today, I definitely start that way, when it gets past 90 degrees my knees do drift forward but I concentrated to make sure it was minimal, very challenging.

By 2 plate, are we talking 20 or 25kg plates?

I remember getting to just past 2 plates quite some time ago in the past. With bar it was somewhere near 110kg but fell off the wagon so to speak, soon after.

I mean 225lbs aka two 45lb plates on each side of the barbell. And as for squats, it does take a while to get the right form and even then, every workout, every rep, you have to concentrate to make sure you're doing it right. Gotta respect the weights. Also, having someone here to watch your form is a HUGE help as you will FEEL what is right and then you can kind of use that as a reference when you're alone. Practice with bodyweight squats to help you nail the form/increase flexibility. The main thing to stop knees from going forward is to sit back into your hips deeper. You'll feel it in your hams/quads. Hard to describe over the internet for me :lol: but it's simple.
:lol: Dat OSAP.

whatever brah, haters gonna hate. :p
I finally landed a job where I can support myself full time, in a nice place, and I'll start saving up so i can travel. All in the same university campus where my gym is. Fucking gooolldeeenn.

Today, was a fucking good day.
Yeah I've been trying that with the toes of one foot up against a wall right on the corner so the rest of my body has free space in front to move forward. The wall stops my knee from getting in front of my toes.


At first I found this really hard to picture :lol:

(then I understood....I think...)
At first I found this really hard to picture :lol:

Another way of describing it is like doing a squat with no weights and a wall is in front of your left foot and knee, there is free space in front of the rest of your body, I suppose you could practice it in the arch of a doorway.

Another way of describing it is like doing a squat with no weights and a wall is in front of your left foot and knee, there is free space in front of the rest of your body, I suppose you could practice it in the arch of a doorway.


That's the conclusion I came to, at first it seemed contradictory, though.