life quality poll

i think my life at the moment is

  • shit

    Votes: 12 15.2%
  • ok

    Votes: 47 59.5%
  • great

    Votes: 20 25.3%

  • Total voters
Instagram has been more annoying than usual lately, what with the "register to vote" banners constantly popping up. I get the reason for it, but let me disable that since I'm already and always registered to vote. Also, I now receive notifications to follow specific, random accounts, and I can't seem to delete the notifications the same way I can delete follow requests. Dumb.
Pixel 4a turned out to be meh. Basic functions are fine and it runs my work apps, but overall it's a worse mid-range phone than my old Honor 8. Google weather widget disappears frequently (a common gripe, apparently). My Amazon Music purchases disappear and won't reappear unless I uninstall/reinstall the app entirely. The sound quality through headphones isn't jammable without using a heavily-tweaked third party music player. In fact, you pretty much have to install a third party player because the phone only comes with YouTube Music. Camera is great. Haven't decided if I'll keep it or sell.

In the meantime, I've cleaned out my S9 some more and replaced the SD card. Tis working a bit better.
Ah shit just bought a 4a. My 2 is starting to die. And yeah, they discontinued google play music for youtube music,and that app sucks. I bought poweramp for 5$ and am very happy
I bought and tried both Poweramp and Rocket with the 4a. They were okay once I tinkered with the EQ settings enough, but I never could get those apps to work with my lock screen how I wanted. Slightly preferred Rocket over Poweramp.
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Life is good, despite the fact I had a minor surgery done to remove a melanoma from my arm (tricep area). I've got a bunch of stitches and it looks like Frankenstein's monster. But they got it all, so it's all good.

Still have a torn meniscus, but that is another problem for another time.

Getting old sucks. Don't do it.

Anyway, anyone else have that chick that youd wished you would have asked out years ago, but never did? I do. Well, I randomly messenged her after over a decade. We ended up talking for 45 minutes and I asked her to lunch. She said yep, sounds good.

We are still talking and I've gone to her house on a bunch of occasions the past 10 days just to hang out and meet her kids. Things are going well in this area of my life.
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Oktoberfest lunch at the local German deli today. First restaurant experience since March, patio dining with maybe 10 other people. Bratwurst and an 11am beer never tasted so good, even if I might be dead in 2 weeks, lol idk.
Had my first ever MRI yesterday. Damn this was disturbing... 10 minutes of claustrophobic distress. And it wasn't even a closed one.
The sound though... I felt like I was attending a metal show =D
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Ah yes, the old MRI. I've had one of my knee (outside) and one of my shoulder (inside). I thought for a while the tech had forgotten about me while I was stuck in there. Good times!

Glad you made it through okay.
Life's good outside of having a homeless filth dive through my dumpster. At first I cut fucktards some slack, figuring they were can collecting, but vermin were overturning everything. I roll down to hit them up while theyre on dumpster two and verbally lay into them like Profanity on a mid afternoon bus ride through the streets of Wellington. Fooqs got me so fired up, Im posting on RC ffs.

Ended up calling the popo just to drive the point home. "Dont come back swine." Los Angeles is a fucking cess pit beyond recognition.

Bought a crib out of state, but work is paying good money to twiddle my thumbs, so renting itout for the interim. Quite the conundrum.

Re:NFL, fuck those SJW cunts. If I wanted to see someone roll around in the dirt chasing balls, I would have followed Kamala Harris's rise to prominence.
Had a dental checkup today. Highlight was finding out my blood pressure has gone down significantly. It's been high-ish for years, but today it was well within the normal range. Diet and exercise really do pay off.
Life is pretty great. It got weird for a few years but getting a decent job and meeting a lovely woman set things in the right direction.

How good is stability?

I would say life is pretty ace also, what with the marriage and home renos chugging along steadily. Just started my own business too, which is going well so far.

Not chuffed to be heading into another hellish summer though.