life quality poll

i think my life at the moment is

  • shit

    Votes: 12 15.2%
  • ok

    Votes: 47 59.5%
  • great

    Votes: 20 25.3%

  • Total voters
MadeInNewJersey said:
Change actually causes depression in a lot of people, Ali.

Yeah I suppose in certain cases.

I remember when I first went away to college. Those first few nights were weird sleeping in the dorm could hear some of the other freshman students crying themselves to sleep. During the day they would be all depressed because they missed home.

I was the EXACT opposite. I couldn't wait to get to college.

From what I gathered, most students drop out of college early because they can't take the change, and they miss their parents etc. It's just eeeeriwrds to me.

Re: travel - the only reason why I keep bringing it up is because 99% of Europeans are born with passports at the ready. It's just a given that thousands of Europeans, Australians, Kiwis, South Africans just take out a year in life and travel. My sister moved to Hong Kong 11 years ago and hasn't looked back!
Nate The Great said:
If you're depressed, move to California. Then you'll realize how good you actually have it.:loco:

As trivial as it sounds, it's amazing what a spot of sunshine does for the day. Walking down the street, sun blazing, palm trees swaying in the wind, music blaring, hot chicks in short short skirts....

.......I mean, anywhere in the summer >>>>>>>>>>> anywhere in winter.

I cannot wait for summer in NYC. :kickass:
JayKeeley said:
As trivial as it sounds, it's amazing what a spot of sunshine does for the day. Walking down the street, sun blazing, palm trees swaying in the wind, music blaring, hot chicks in short short skirts....

.......I mean, anywhere in the summer >>>>>>>>>>> anywhere in winter.

I cannot wait for summer in NYC. :kickass:

this is true, just go outside today here ... almost 60 degrees ... we are being teased I know, but it has felt like spring is coming for the last few days.

but as far as adjusting to change and moving away from home ... everyone is different on this. Personally, I have lost a lot of people in my life and like to be around people I love, kind of keeping them close ... being alone and in a foreign lands for a long time does not appeal to me as much.

I also noticed that women in general are more predisposed to kind of pack it in that hit the road for a long time more so then men ... from the people I have encountered anyway.
i'm doing good. doing pretty good at not letting things get me down... got it so pretty much nothing can. i really believe people can change pretty much anything about themselves, and i've seen both myself and a bunch of others make some pretty serious changes to their lives for the better. just a question of priorities. if it's important enough to you, you make yourself do what you have to do. works for me.
man as robot said:
Being this age (18) is pretty fucking gay for the most part, but I think at this juncture is when people make or break their lives and trying to better myself in positive and healthy ways is really proving to be satisfying.
i have bad news...19 is equally gay :yell:

so tired of being a teenager :bah:
You guys are killing me!

You're all in the middle of your GREATEST YEARS, the ones with the least to worry about. I don't mean to make it sound like it's gonna get worse, but it is!

Bills, employment, buying/renting homes, etc. Ugh.

I cut off one of JayK's toes just to be 20 again.
MadeInNewJersey said:
You guys are killing me!

You're all in the middle of your GREATEST YEARS, the ones with the least to worry about. I don't mean to make it sound like it's gonna get worse, but it is!

Bills, employment, buying/renting homes, etc. Ugh.

I cut off one of JayK's toes just to be 20 again.
dude, youth is WASTED on the young. i know it and i'm still wasting it anyway.
MadeInNewJersey said:
You guys are killing me!

You're all in the middle of your GREATEST YEARS, the ones with the least to worry about. I don't mean to make it sound like it's gonna get worse, but it is!

Bills, employment, buying/renting homes, etc. Ugh.

I cut off one of JayK's toes just to be 20 again.
yeah i mean NOW you're all like

blah blah

go to australia bang some chix drink some beer

and yet it's not really all that fucking easy when you're here and 20 years old

HINDSIGHT IS 20/20 as they say in goddamn america
i think it's "goddam". no "n" is needed. the correct usage would be "god-damned america" but no one ever uses it like that
Well, actually, WHEN I was actually 18-21, I was having the absolute time of my life. So I did everything I wish I could so again. Life was sooo fucken good.

Now I'm in debt up to my eyeballs, I ache for 3 days after a friggin' concert, rent = 1/2 my fucking paycheck, my vision & hearing are worse, I have no regular love life, and this newfangled internet thing is fucking up my ability to work. :lol: