life quality poll

i think my life at the moment is

  • shit

    Votes: 12 15.2%
  • ok

    Votes: 47 59.5%
  • great

    Votes: 20 25.3%

  • Total voters
lol @ debt up to my eyeballs
seconded. does a mortgage count exactly? i mean, i could sell this house for a profit...........................................................and live in my parents basement
Erik said:
yeah i mean NOW you're all like

blah blah

go to australia bang some chix drink some beer

and yet it's not really all that fucking easy when you're here and 20 years old

HINDSIGHT IS 20/20 as they say in goddamn america

Yeah but what could you have going on in life right now that isn't still going to be there in 12 month's time?

Anyway, the whole point of taking time out is to do it at your current age. I wouldn't exactly be recommending some 35 year old with a full time job, kids etc to go hit the road.


I dunno, back in my day we didn't have the internet so I had to make dolls out of toilet roll and walk to school in the rain, uphill, both ways... [/old man]
I dunno, back in my day we didn't have the internet so I had to make dolls out of toilet roll and walk to school in the rain, uphill, both ways... [/old man]

this is really a HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE difference ...

the Internet and Cell Phones and etc ... have changed the world for young people so much
I voted great.

My job is the source of some frustration, but i take in solace in knowing that I'm good at what I do, and that I make a difference in at least some teenagers' lives.

I'm in the best relationship I've ever been in, I give quite a bit of money to "Save the Rain Forest", which makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside and I'm in good shape. I wish I had some more money, though, since I'm broke as hell these days.

Sorry I can't be of any help, Erik, but I really don't have any experience when it comes to these things. I was depressed for about three months when I was in my middle twenties, but that just went away, so that's probably not relevant at all.

How is school, though? Did those exams turn out okay? I'm sorry if you've mentioned this already, but if I've missed it if you have.
Well, that's no good... Maybe things will get better for you if you get a better hold of that aspect of your life. It would be one less burden, at least.

Good luck!
Erik said:
oh man this is a source of SO MUCH SHIT. i'll get back to you on this tomorrow because i have another one tomorrow and another one the day after that. it just crushes your fucking spirit to FAIL and FAIL and FAIL at every god damn exam

at least a while ago i talked to one of my very best friends on the phone (yeah and she's very pretty too) about that and a lot of the shit i've whined about in this thread for like 40 minutes which made me feel a bit better FOR NOW but eh... tomorrow i think the shit's going to really hit the fan

ever the optimist

Hang in there Erik. I fucked up so royally during my 1st year of college that I was in danger of academic probation and being booted from uni. Once I adjusted to higher education coursework, it all worked out.

Keep ya head up, dammit!
For me, the last year was the worst. I'd just flown through the previous years with respectable grades all the way, so I got cocky. Suddenly, I sat there, without having written even half of what I was supposed to, with only a few months left. Man, that was INTENSE!

It worked out, though, and hopefully, it will for you too.

EDIT: Man, you guys type like demons! :lol: