List some bands that you really don't like but society says you are supposed to like.

Van Halen
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Avenged Sevenfold
Cannibal Corpse
Mr. Big (I don't care if the bassplayer is a legend, if he is he should stop playing in shitty bands)
Rage Against The Machine
The Smiths/Morrisey
Black Crowes
Smashing Pumpkins (metal for hipsters who hate metal)
Eric Clapton
Yusuf Islam (the Cat formerly known as Stevens)
no dramas man,metal i grew up on was anthrax,exodus,testament,i did like ozzy solo stuff alot and dug priest quite a bit.

Right on I love all 3 of those bands as well. Testament is still one of my favorite bands.

I love Black Sabbath with Ozzy just never really cared much about his solo stuff. Growing up in was sacrilegious to say you didn't like Ozzy. But his solo material was a bit too commercial for me and didn't have that dark feel that I liked with Sabbath...(other than a few tunes). Priest, I always thought they were a bit cheesy. Rob Halford even long before he came out as gay was cheesy to me. Never thought that the highest you can make your voice was the coolest or most metal. The whole 'metal god' thing makes me ill. To me Rob Halford / Judas Priest is a band that makes metal music seem cheesy. When people make fun of metal it is usually because of the cheese factor. Musically I liked a lot of priest but always have had a hard time with Halford.

To me they were / are just a heavier/faster version of glam rock. All the synchronized head banging and what not.
Convicted In Life is the sickest, most brutal video I've ever seen.

yeah. The album is inspired by Dante's The Divine Comedy, Inferno and Purgatory.

The video is clearly inspired by Dante's Inferno, which is a rather nasty read indeed.

Infact, I think they've made quite a cunning little video.

It depicts the punishment of sins.

Here's a snippet from wikipedia:

Each sin's punishment in Inferno is a contrapasso, a symbolic instance of poetic justice; for example, fortune-tellers have to walk with their heads on backwards, unable to see what is ahead, because that was what they had tried to do in life.

So for a guitarist to lose his hand? That's a pretty wicked punishment.
I have been a Sepultura fan since Beneath The Remains came out when i was in High School. I was pissed when Chaos AD came out at the time because it was not extreme thrash metal like their previous albums. It was going in a new direction. I hated the Roots album with a passion, made Chaos AD seem like hardcore thrash. Then Max quit and started Soulfly. When I first heard their debut album I wasn't sure about it. There was even a song with Fred Durst rapping on it. I certainly wasn't down for that. But then I went to see Iron Maiden play in 2000, the first show they played with Bruce Dickinson back on vocals. Soulfly opened up. They were a newer band and played most of that first Soulfly album. I was able to see that Max was really into it and the tribal vibe was actually pretty cool. I bought the album and it slowly started to creep up on me. There was a lot of tribal influence but it was more aggressive and unique than the over produced Roots album. After all was said and done I was a huge fan of this first album and still am just had to open up and let it in.

Then Prophecy came out.. TERRIBLE album. This was the "nu metal' influence album. I still can only listen to a few songs off of it without wanting to change them. The song Terrorist with Tom Araya from Slayer is pretty good. But other than that a total flop.

Soulfly III came out and started getting heavyer, less nu metal influence. Definitely a step in the right direction.

Prophecy came out and had some awesome songs on it. The song Prophcy is great as well as about 1/2 of the songs on the album.

Then comes Dark Ages which was like Arise Sepultura. For all the poeople that think of Soulfly as this "Nu Metal" band go listen to Dark Ages. Frontlines sounds like Arise. This album is heavy, fast and brutal. ZERO Nu Metal influence on this album.

Conquer comes out and is the heaviest album they have done, again brutally heavy and not one ounce of Nu Metal influence,

Now comes their latest album OMEN. This album is borderline Death Metal. Not sure how anyone could possibly confuse any of these songs as Nu Metal. I am not a huge fan of it, but it is definetley NOT Nu metal or even close to it. I would rather them go back and do something more like their first album.

SO to people who say Soulfy is "NU Metal" that tells me that they actually really never have even listened to them outside of maybe the first and second album.

Tell me this is Nu Metal or doesn't sound anything like old Seputlura:

None the less not trying to make you like them at all. Just trying to defend them a bit as I have had the good fortune of becoming friends with these guys on a personal level and know they have zero nu metal in mind when making music these days

Much better than all that earlier nu metal shit. I don't think I can be blamed for putting them in that genre based off of their earlier albums though...
Much better than all that earlier nu metal shit. I don't think I can be blamed for putting them in that genre based off of their earlier albums though...

I hate nu metal myself. Am a huge Sepultura fan and Soulfly fan. There was really only 1 record with Nu Metal type shit on it and that was Primitive. Even the first album didn't have all that much nu metal on it. But I can promise you that you won't be disapointed in Dark Ages and Conquer, especially if you like the heavier faster old school Sepultura shit. Start with Dark Ages thats probably my favorite Souflytura album
The problem I had with Soulfly was that they always bored me live. Actually the only album I really have from them is the last one, Omen.
The problem I had with Soulfly was that they always bored me live. Actually the only album I really have from them is the last one, Omen.

If you are not a big fan of Soulfly and go and see them live these days they probably won't turn you into a huge fan. Max is getting old and doesn't have much movement left in him. Just kind of stands there and does his thing. Though if you go see Soulfly in a club it is chaos. I am not a big fan of the Omen album. As much as I love Soulfly I think this Omen album is fairly generic. Max is running out of different ways to do heavy music. I liked the previous few albums a lot more. I still like the very first Soulfly album the best even though it isn't the heaviest.

I love tribal music and the first Soulfly album has a lot of tribal influence. this shit to me is anything but boring live, very unique and spiritual in a way

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My top three bands I hate that people try to shove down my throat:

1. Beatles
2. Metallica
3. Maiden

I understand why they're as big and popular as they are, but I have a goddamn right to not like them personally.
Gotcha. NO Prayer for the Dying is one of the worst CD's they ever put out. Go get Number of the Beast, Piece of Mind, Powerslave, and 7th Son of a 7th Son if you ever want to hear good Maiden albums.

So in all you really just never listened to these bands before, maybe a few songs here or there yet you list them as bands you don't like. I guess I just don't understand that. But it's all good. Thanks for the clarification and enjoy Maiden live!

Dance of Death is the bestest newer material in my opinion.
Dance of Death is the bestest newer material in my opinion.

I like Dance of Death too. Though I do think there are a lot of fillers on that album. I think if you took all of the material they have done since 2000 when Bruce came back and made a greatest hits of 15 songs you would have 1 very good album.
Great thread!

For me it's:

Led Zeppelin
Ozzy Osborne era Sabbath (prefer Dio hands down)
The Doors
Justin Beiber (ha!)
Motley Crue (look one or two songs are fantastic but that's it for me)
Motorhead (same situation as Crue for me)
Pantera (I dug Vulgar display of power but that's it)
Janes Addiction
Julio Iglesius (Blasphemy as we all know he's the godfather of latino metalcore)