Lizzie Grubman claims credit for Hip Hop Dominance

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Hip-Hop Invented By Long Island Socialite?


Mad props, yo!

According to this, this, and this, supremely annoying Long Island 'scenester' Lizzie Grubman, whose only purpose in life seems to be to get drunk, run over people and be the 'cool, plugged-in friend' to asshole millionaires who spend their days buying shoes and beating the help, popularized that until-recently unheard of form of music called 'hip-hop'. I'll let her explain. Oh Lizzie?

“No one believed in hip-hop but me. Everyone was like, ‘Lizzie, are you sure you’re going to be able to get this in the mainstream?’… But I would beat those reporters down, and look at it now. There’s nothing bigger. Everyone looks at me now and says, ‘You were so right.’… I can see things that nobody else can see.”
'Gay' Is a Naughty Word

By Jim Buzinski

To the NFL it's naughty to be "GAY" but OK to be "BIN LADEN." You can be a "NAZI" but not a "LESBIAN."

This rather bizarre conclusion is reached when trying to order a personalized jersey from the NFL Shop, the online merchandise site run by the league. Anyone trying to buy a jersey with the single word "GAY" or "LESBIAN" on the back gets a rejection message that states: "This field should not contain a naughty word."

Someone running the NFL's website decided certain terms were "naughty," including a declaration of sexual orientation. But "BIN LADEN," "TERRORIST," or "AL QAEDA" are all accepted; just have your credit card handy (personalized jerseys start at $79.99).

This story first appeared in Rex Wockner's column on It seems that an LSU professor, Leigh Clemons, wanted to buy a jersey with the name of one of her former students. The student happened to be Randall Gay, a defensive back for the Super Bowl champion New England Patriots. Her attempts were initially rejected.

"The NFL Shop website said that they weren't allowed to print 'naughty words' on jerseys," Clemons says, according to Wockner. "I had to call the shop and go through three levels of bureaucracy to get the jersey."

"Clemons said site employees lifted the block on the word 'gay' just long enough for her to place her order then immediately reinstated it," the story said.

This is both offensive and silly. One would have thought that Clemon's complaint would make the NFL webmasters realize how stupid it was to ban certain words that were anything but naughty. The ban is also unique to the NFL. I went to the online sites for both the NBA and Major League Baseball and both accepted "GAY" with no problem.

What's even dumber is how ineffective the word screening program actually is. Adding an "S" to any word and it suddenly is acceptable ("GAYS," "COCKS"). Or include "GAY" as part of a compound word is also OK (you could order a pretty vile jersey this way but I'll spare you my examples).