Looking for Depressive music

"Un Chien Andalou" created by surrealists Luis Buñuel and Salvador Dali in 1928. It's a real eye, but not the actresses eye, it's actually a calfs eye. You people should know this because you should be aquatinted with Salvador Dali by now.
Okay, first off, I'd like to second Altar, the collab between Sunn 0))) and Boris just coz it's magnificent and opens worlds.

After that, let's broaden our horizons some more and let you have a look at things like Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds. His Best of always has me in tears and reaching for the razor blades.

Whoever said Antony and the Johnsons, right on. Some dude who wants to be a chick singing about domestic violence in the most heartbreaking falsetto you ever did hear . . . :cry:

And finally, and can no one come down on me for this PLEASE, Placebo. Without You I'm Nothing is one of the saddest albums I've ever heard. Someone likened AIC to heroin in that it hurts but feels so good . . . never taken heroin but that's what Placebo does to me. Give it a spin. "My Sweet Prince" from that album multiplies gravity.

Feel better. Worse. Whatever. Get there.

\m/ Hammer
That's insane what you're saying man...
The fact that this music is not in your taste doesn't mean it does not take talent to think of it and record it.
Talent is a whole other story. This band isn't about musicianship obviously, so don't expect that. All they want to do, I think, is searching for and crossing borders of how far one can go with extreme music.
Judging from your reaction they succeeded at least a little bit.

I do not like their "music" myself at all, but I guess they didn't intent to get people to like it, they probably just want you to experience such insane music.
I think they did a good job on that

Insane? Actually what i said was pretty accurate.

I don't know what is your definition of talent, but for me, talent requires a lot more than being exclusively random and obnoxious. My god...''nihilistic'' has to be most overused term ever, and any moron who can't tell his ass from his balls could use this term to describe how ''extreme'' and ''edgy'' their music is. I think the next logical step for being ''extreme'' will be about recording the sound of pigs copulating in a gipsy party, and calling the result ''nihilistic brutal nature''.
Seriously, i cant show a lick of respect for such juvenile, contrived garbage. I'm a music fan and some bands are too ridiculous for their own good.
Insane? Actually what i said was pretty accurate.

I don't know what is your definition of talent, but for me, talent requires a lot more than being exclusively random and obnoxious. My god...''nihilistic'' has to be most overused term ever, and any moron who can't tell his ass from his balls could use this term to describe how ''extreme'' and ''edgy'' their music is. I think the next logical step for being ''extreme'' will be about recording the sound of pigs copulating in a gipsy party, and calling the result ''nihilistic brutal nature''.
Seriously, i cant show a lick of respect for such juvenile, contrived garbage. I'm a music fan and some bands are too ridiculous for their own good.

So be it...
Today I came across Bergraven from Sweden (where else...), I'm just into the 4th song of their "Dödsvisioner" album now, seriously bleak stuff. But really good, well-played, well-produced, well-performed and quite intriguing cover art.

Check it out: www.myspace.com/bergraven
