Machines & Madness - The journey begins (dark tower project)

Felix Neumann

Sep 14, 2008
Hi Dudes :kickass:

I just finished the mix of the second song, for the moment. It´s kind of interlude (maybe this will be the opener of the album). I´m really corious about your opinions and I´m sure, you have some proposals for improving arrangement and mix. Unfortunately I don´t have a good title for the song.

What do you think about the song, vocals & mix? It´s not mastered yet, because I wanna let it master external, after the entire album is finished.


Greetings :)

Felix Neumann
Yeah, I don't know if it is something that will get better with mastering but this track feels kinda empty at times. Personally I think it needs more layers, like strings, clean guitars, some ambient guitar melodies etc.
The vocals sound fine except in the beginning (around 00:40-45) where I think they're slightly out of tune.
Yeah, I don't know if it is something that will get better with mastering but this track feels kinda empty at times. Personally I think it needs more layers, like strings, clean guitars, some ambient guitar melodies etc.
The vocals sound fine except in the beginning (around 00:40-45) where I think they're slightly out of tune.

Thanks for the constructive analysis, bro!

The beginning is a weak point vocal wise, indeed. I recorded it hundreds of time, I got no satisfactory result..FUCK! I´m satisfied with the song/interlude itself, but the arrangement, vocals & production could be better. I also considered to make an instrumental as a kind of interlude. Maybe this will be a good idea.
Like it heaps mate, has a smidgen of maiden in it, which is a great ingredient, like that little lead run, sounded evil.
I will be buying this on its release.

Thank you very much, my friend :kickass:

Haha yeah the little lead run is certainly much better than the rest. I should kick the vocals and record some more lead stuff in there :lol: I don´t like to sing at these days..(don´t know why).
dude... awesome! I really like your riffing in that one and your voice is getting better and better! your album will be killer! epic as... you know what. :)
dude... awesome! I really like your riffing in that one and your voice is getting better and better! your album will be killer! epic as... you know what. :)

Heeeey :kickass: Thank you very much, Olli! (Wir verpassen uns ständig bei Icq, Mann!!!)

...yeah I also forgot to mention about the singing. You've come a long way since the first song you recorded vocals in. Your voice is really comfortable to listen to.

THANKS! :headbang: This is much worth to hear from you. When I listen to my first attempt (one million feed) I really have to laugh a bit, because it´s really crazy and theatralic :lol: It´s good, that some progress happened to me.
I feel some sort of emptiness too in this song, she have bases but misses more things to fill her in a much bigger way. More orchestral arrangements could be the solution. I also think that this mix doesn´t suit very well and doesn´t benefit the music. Sometimes the guitars sounds too harsh and the drums seems somehow lifeless. But the solos and the harmonies are great.
Thank you very much, Nuno :) This helps and motivates me to improve it more. I have some ideas already. It needs some more natural touch, it´s too artificial sounding yet.

I will post some updates in the next days.
Yo Felix, sounding great dude! Snare is a bit too loud IMO, but I like the sound of it. Kick is a bit "tick-y", wouldn't mind slightly less attack on it. And in the beginning of the verse, I'm not a big fan of those quarter-note crash hits, wouldn't mind some Portnoy-style funky hi-hat work there or something, but that's just preference. Also, I think the attack on the bass is a bit too prominent, makes it a bit distracting (maybe just lower the distortion). Fantastic singing, and I love the melodies, but the vocals feel a bit, I dunno, I guess I would say flat/dull - I felt the same way about your vox on "The World has Moved Again", maybe the TLM103 just doesn't fit your voice that well? Ooh man, that harmonized guitar part was AWESOME, very Steve Vai :headbang: Yeah, overall really cool dude, and I don't think it's that empty honestly, the synths fill things out nicely, and I think just a fuller, less middy guitar tone would do the trick!
Maaaaan Marcus, thanks for the detailed analysis and the time linked with it! :) I´ll take it into account, when I work on it the next time.
It could be possible, that the tlm103 is not THE choice for me (or I missed to emphasize a certain frequence). I really think, I didn´t put all the needed energy in the vocal performance this time. I´m sure, I can do it better. And I will do it better...*delete*
Yeah the solos I´m fucking satisfied least something. The rest is still a construction site, but I accept the challenge to make something great out of it. I wanna feel the same satisfaction like on "The world has moved again". This level must be achieved, otherwise I can throw it in the trash.