Matt Will be fronting his own Band??

Sorry if I'm sounding cynical or come off as an asshole but when I found out that Matt was going to leave Iced Earth, a TOTALLY fucking AWESOME band... to go work with the Bush administration to help them enforce their Gestapo-esque search & seizure/interogation policies, it kind of turned my stomach.

Fuck Bush, and everyone else that seeks to destroy this country by replacing it's foundation of democracy with despotism and autocracy.
You know who I think would work really well in Iced Earth..?

Russell Allen of Symphony X. I know it's an impossibility, but that would fucking rock...
i don't think that matt will form a new band, and if he does, he is an asswipe, and someone (preferably jon) should beat the living shit out of him....

....that being said matt is one of my favorite vocalists, and i really hope that he returns to iced earth someday, and that he never burns his bridges with jon so that he and come back with dignity!
The Yngster said:
I'd be mega pissed if Matt did something like that.

Why? It is he´s own life, not anyone elses... If it was like he left Iced Earth to form his own band it´s his own choice. I think is just stupid to say that "You´re a asshole" doing something like that... Everyone haves their own rights to do what they want ...

I personnally think that he will someday sing in a band again. But I don´t think that band will be serious, just for fun.
I kinda agree here.
Metal is gonna call Matt back,Tomas Lindberg once said: I tried to stay away from the metal scene but you can't really do that.
I think in a few years we'll see Matt somewhere,maybe with IE if they are still together.You can't just suddenly leave something you love and don't look back.