Me out of Bloodbath

This is the discussion between Blackheim and Renske before kicking Dan from Bloodbath:

Blackhiem: Renske we need him out... he makes us look really bad.
Renske: But... but... I can't do it to his face!
Blackhiem: Well... we need to think of something I can't live in his shadow any longer! I want to be known for my hardcore non-pussiness!
Renske: But... you and I both write Katatonia's music... we really aren't that hardcore...
Blackhiem: With that attitude we aren't hardcore and with Dan showing us up with his brutal lyrics and godly talents we won't ever get a chance to be considered.
Renske: You're right... but how do we kick him out I can't bear to do it...
Blackhiem: I can't do it to his face... I may cry... I know! Lets write him an e-mail saying "Your services are no longer needed" So we sound like bad asses!
Renske: Totally! Then we can be like "Dan's not good enough for us!"
Blackhiem: Yeah! and then we can post on Bloodbath's site that he tried to pussify us!
Renske: But didn't we try to pussify it with our depressive rock-ness?
Blackhiem: Shh! Don't let anyone hear you say that out loud! If we tell everyone that HE did then they won't hate us and think we're cool!
Renske: Man Blackhiem you think of EVERYTHING!
Blackhiem: Sure do! Now lets write that e-mail!
Kiekan said:
This is the discussion between Blackheim and Renske before kicking Dan from Bloodbath:
I envision it was more along these lines...

Blackhiem: I have a small penis.
Renske: Me too.
Blackhiem: How big is Dan's?
Renske: I don't know.
Blackhiem: I bet it's bigger than mine.
Renske: Mine too, I'd bet.
Blackhiem: Wanna kick him out of Bloodbath?
Renske: Uh...sure.
Blackhiem: Wanna make love?
Renske: Hells yeah!!
Kiekan said:
This is the discussion between Blackheim and Renske before kicking Dan from Bloodbath:

Blackhiem: Renske we need him out... he makes us look really bad.
Renske: But... but... I can't do it to his face!
Blackhiem: Well... we need to think of something I can't live in his shadow any longer! I want to be known for my hardcore non-pussiness!
Renske: But... you and I both write Katatonia's music... we really aren't that hardcore...
Blackhiem: With that attitude we aren't hardcore and with Dan showing us up with his brutal lyrics and godly talents we won't ever get a chance to be considered.
Renske: You're right... but how do we kick him out I can't bear to do it...
Blackhiem: I can't do it to his face... I may cry... I know! Lets write him an e-mail saying "Your services are no longer needed" So we sound like bad asses!
Renske: Totally! Then we can be like "Dan's not good enough for us!"
Blackhiem: Yeah! and then we can post on Bloodbath's site that he tried to pussify us!
Renske: But didn't we try to pussify it with our depressive rock-ness?
Blackhiem: Shh! Don't let anyone hear you say that out loud! If we tell everyone that HE did then they won't hate us and think we're cool!
Renske: Man Blackhiem you think of EVERYTHING!
Blackhiem: Sure do! Now lets write that e-mail!

Does this mean that every single fucking Bloodbath song will be about getting dumped, being depressed and contemplating suicide like every single fucking Katatonia song??

Also, did Katatonia start to become pussified before or AFTER Tonight's Decision was released?? If so, was that Dan's fault, too?? Ya know, since he played drums on it?? Are they trying to say that Dan is a soft hitter??
that your out......strange and foolish

anyway.....hope youll be playing in some other death metal projects....


p/s: try these link here: a kickass death band from Israel.............................THERE ARE MORE BANDS TO COME :kickass:
mattcira said:
Are they trying to say that Dan is a soft hitter??

Isn't that what Dan himself has been saying?

Now, fuck everything that has do to do with death metal and make some fucking symfrock magic!
That's just so sad... :confused:

Bloodbath's best tracks are by far the ones Dan wrote... and I'll miss those fucken death metal songs written in Swanö's style.

Hope he finds a different way of letting out that side of his creativity again
Kiekan said:
This is the discussion between Blackheim and Renske before kicking Dan from Bloodbath:

Blackhiem: Renske we need him out... he makes us look really bad.
Renske: But... but... I can't do it to his face!
Blackhiem: Well... we need to think of something I can't live in his shadow any longer! I want to be known for my hardcore non-pussiness!
Renske: But... you and I both write Katatonia's music... we really aren't that hardcore...
Blackhiem: With that attitude we aren't hardcore and with Dan showing us up with his brutal lyrics and godly talents we won't ever get a chance to be considered.
Renske: You're right... but how do we kick him out I can't bear to do it...
Blackhiem: I can't do it to his face... I may cry... I know! Lets write him an e-mail saying "Your services are no longer needed" So we sound like bad asses!
Renske: Totally! Then we can be like "Dan's not good enough for us!"
Blackhiem: Yeah! and then we can post on Bloodbath's site that he tried to pussify us!
Renske: But didn't we try to pussify it with our depressive rock-ness?
Blackhiem: Shh! Don't let anyone hear you say that out loud! If we tell everyone that HE did then they won't hate us and think we're cool!
Renske: Man Blackhiem you think of EVERYTHING!
Blackhiem: Sure do! Now lets write that e-mail!


I like both Katatonia-guys and Dan, but still...... :lol:
Kiekan said:
This is the discussion between Blackheim and Renske before kicking Dan from Bloodbath:


Elad Meidan said:
that your out......strange and foolish

anyway.....hope youll be playing in some other death metal projects....


p/s: try these link here: a kickass death band from Israel.............................THERE ARE MORE BANDS TO COME :kickass:

Are you by any chance related to to Assaf the drummer
Whorecore is da shiz!
I believe their album was produced by that dude from Anal Cunt
ALRIGHT! Finally I see some shit on this 5th page of replies that I want to see.

How can anyone who writes/plays music like the newer Katatonia say ANYTHING about pussification? Newer Katatonia is the pussiest, most GARBAGE music I have ever heard in my life. It's borderline EMO with Jonas' stupid, whiny singing. He sounds like a bitch.

The thing is, I'm not necessarily upset about Dan being kicked out. I'd understand if it were something like "Hey, man, you're always working on so many projects and can't fully commit yourself to this band, so we really need someone who's more devoted." But to say he's pussifying the music or making TRL-Death Metal? That's just retarded.

I think this is rather common when musicians collide. Leave Jonas out of the equation, because he's really a terrible singer and has little musical ability. Oh, and Katatonia's lyrics? The stupidest fucking lyrics of all time. They sound like something a 12-year-old emo boy would write. But anyway, Blakkheim and Dan I consider great musicians, and I'm sure their egos clashed. They're both the types who want things done their way (I get that impression anyway), so I'm not surprised.

To the user Unicorn: I respect you and think you're a cool guy, so just know that I'm not bashing Katatonia because I'm mad about the new development. I really do think Katatonia is a worthless, childish band. That doesn't mean I think you're an idiot for liking them; people have different tastes. I just think it's very hypocritical for members of that band to say someone else is making "pussy" music.
AnTz0r said:
Please listen to Rain Without End and think again....

Man, I'm not looking to offend or trash your bands, but October Tide is the pussiest doom I have ever heard. It's an embarrassment to the genre.
wardwarf said:
Man, I'm not looking to offend or trash your bands, but October Tide is the pussiest doom I have ever heard. It's an embarrassment to the genre.

I dare you to say in this forum the drums on Katatonia's "Tonight's Decision" were pussy-ish
I double dare you!!!