I think to a certain extent religious views in the music are a gimme. To make music, one must at some level feel strongly about what they are writing, or else the lack of emotion will become apparent and the music will not seem real. As a converse to that, some bands step too heavily upon their soapboxes, and begin to preach. Bm bands have their place and their fanbase, not much to worry about, but sometimes it seems they all say the same thing. "Kill God, fuck his angels, destroy his Earth", that sort of stuff. As stated before, it has its place and fans, but I believe that perhaps they should keep their convictions more isolated. Many complain about the Jesus-freaks and their oppressive attitudes toward those less-than-mentionable aspects of an immoral society, which we are, but it doesn't make much sense to rebel against it by doing the same thing. Flashing the pentagrams, wearing the obscene t-shirts, loudly expressing distaste in vulgar ways for the Christain faith, it solves nothing and merely serves to drive a wedge farther between us as a people, especially in the metal community. I myself am not a Christian, but I believe your views are your views, and everyone has a right to believe what they want, just keept it in that context. Keep it in the music, and let us make up our own minds and keept it in our minds, our last and most sacred sanctuary.