Micheal Romeo's pick

thats correct, but your hand posture needs a pick that suits how u initialy hold. anyone can adapt to any kind of pick, just takes time and thats why it seems some picks are better suited for us.

i used to play with tortex 1.5mm sharp ( huge pick ) then switched to mjr's 1.14 , now i dun know i might go with the 1.14 sharp instead
Yngvai X said:
The size is similar to the jazz 3 but its not the same material. He uses a Dunlop tortex jazz pick (model H3 - thats the one with the pointy tip).
$2 is alot for one pick that costs like 0.0002 to make just for a name on it

and anyway i can't order them anymore, out of stock from where i got it from and i live in a country far away from the US, cant use my cc to buy from the offical store nor is it worth it
I didn't realise so many good guitarists use Jazz 3's
I been using them for years, firstly red ones then black ones and the pinkish/purple ones for the acoustic. Other guitarists freak out when they see the Jazz 3 picks. They all think they're too small.
I thought everyone uses the common shaped ones.