Mosh Pits

I have no problem with moshing, the hardcore "dancers" are annoying as fuck
I used to mosh at local shows back when I was in highschool but I stopped moshing for some reason, its fun though, cant deny that

and when I seen Suffocation over the summer there was a huge pit during the whole set
I have never heard a bigger group of pussies in my life. Moshing is for faggots? Why don't you fucking grow a pair and releaese some of that teenage angst you have and mosh. It's fucking metal and you fucking mosh to alot of it.
MetalHeadMarc said:
I have never heard a bigger group of pussies in my life. Moshing is for faggots? Why don't you fucking grow a pair and releaese some of that teenage angst you have and mosh. It's fucking metal and you fucking mosh to alot of it.

YES! :kickass:
I agree with whoever said the audience only moshed to Souls to Deny because they don't know the back catalog, didn't mosh to Behemoth cause they are too underground for anyone to know anything from them and moshed to Cattle Decapitation because of their name. Well said brother.
MetalHeadMarc said:
I have never heard a bigger group of pussies in my life. Moshing is for faggots? Why don't you fucking grow a pair and releaese some of that teenage angst you have and mosh. It's fucking metal and you fucking mosh to alot of it.

I guess there's the difference between moshers and non moshers. We don't have angst. And if we did, we would find a more productive means of releasing it that doesn't involve bouncing into people, bleeding, and getting injured. It's not that we're afraid to mosh, it's just that moshing is fucking stupid. When I go to a concert, I want to get the best view of the show as possible. You don't exactly accomplish that objective when you're not watching the show, do you?
at the Evergrey, Children of Bodom, and Iced Earth show I went to, people were pretty dumb with moshing. Evergrey - no one moshed, good. Bodom came on, all anyone did was mosh. I particularly like to actually watch the show, rather than get knocked into every 5 seconds. Then, once Bodom was done I said "phew, ok no more moshing." Yeah, that was wrong. People still moshed to every. single. song. Iced Earth played.. even the fucking slowest ones they had. I don't remember if they moshed during the Gettysburg trilogy, probably did though. Idiots.
TheGraveDigger said:
I agree with whoever said the audience only moshed to Souls to Deny because they don't know the back catalog, didn't mosh to Behemoth cause they are too underground for anyone to know anything from them and moshed to Cattle Decapitation because of their name. Well said brother.


I really don't see what's wrong with moshing. Maybe some of you have had some bad experiences with moshing.......and I can only comment from the shows I've been to.

Yes, I think the "hardcore dancing" looks really stupid.....and I really don't like the people who do it. Although everytime I go to a show, I think I'll finally try the pit, I haven't yet. Maybe at Cryptopsy... It may be kind of silly to mosh during "non-mosh" things, but I think it's a good way to experience the energy of the show in a physical way. If you want to do it, fine....if you don't, that's fine too. I've never really had any problems with being bothered when I don't want to be near it, besides the occasional push if the pit is big. It was fun during Cannibal Corpse when it spilled over and there was some pushing, but if you really don't want to be in it, then I don't see a problem.

And I think the amount of moshing generally must have something to do with the popularity of the band. Like.....Vader has some really good music, but the pit wasn't really big when I saw them until they did their "Raining Blood" cover, when it really seemed to explode. Likewise with Cannibal Corpse.....pit was almost non-existant during the opening bands, but huge for CC.
I'd just like to point out to all the pro-mosh people who still have a problem with "hardcore dancing" ( :rolleyes: ) that... um... that's fucking stupid. It's the next logical extreme after moshing... first you hurl your body, then comes feet and fists. All of yall have probably only seen some kid in an Atreyu hoodie spin-kicking in the corner at some show or whatever, but when you see real H/C kids slam, it's a whole nother story. Those kids are fucking insane. I'd put 5 scrawny hardcore slam veterans up against 10 big metal mosh guys any day of the week. It's not "dancing".
Well....maybe I should retract that. It's probably more musical disagreements with "hardcore" more than anything else about the dancing that bothers me. But I do laugh at the kids in makeup that played "hardcore leapfrog" in the GWAR pit. I know that's not what you mean by "real hardcore moshing," though.

I'm trying to be very accepting and you can maybe tell. I'm not going to bend on the "hardcore music," but I guess I can accept the moshing.