Most Annoying?!

Which is the most annoying?

  • Diaper wearing, newbies trying to flame the regulars?

    Votes: 15 55.6%
  • Metal or Not Threads?!

    Votes: 6 22.2%
  • "Dream Team" Line Ups?!

    Votes: 4 14.8%
  • Top 5 or 10 lists?!

    Votes: 2 7.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Psychonaut said:
This is an old folks home. We are a peaceful community and demand we be left to go about our daily activities without disruption. Failure to comply will result in the offender being pelted with a salvo of false teeth, canes, and assorted bottled ointments. And yes, the canes are METAL!
Shit now I feel old :erk: :cry: I want my youth back, and my hair, and my flat belly, and my heavy sleep, and my ABBA records and...




Actually is alright the way is right now :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
JonnyD said:
:D Thats how a Bass player should be! Thats my philosophy when playing Bass Let the Guitar player play the fluttery all over the place stuff Somebody has to Keep the rythem going hehehehe I love playing bass :Spin:

I think it is ok to be technical once in a while as long as you are tasteful with it and still hold down the rythm. I think every talented (technically) drummer and bassist should get a few seconds (at least) in a song to show their chops, but drummers and bassists should have the main priority of continuity in a song (rythmically) and make the guitarist sound more impressive than he/she is.

While I might cause an uproar (not in this forum but maybe others) saying this but metal music is based around aggressive distorted guitar. Drummers and bassists can be technical players and show their technical prowess and that is a very good thing, but to be able to retain continuity of a song, bassists and drummers also have to be able to hold down a rythm and accent the guitar. I'm not saying the guitar has to always play a lead role, but really talented bassist and drummer gets overlooked even though they often make guitarists sound like Gods.
Classic AC/DC is one of the biggest examples of that. If they had any bassist besides Cliff and any drummer besides Phil on BiB, the album would not have been anywhere near as good as it was. Those two are pretty much "in the pocket players" but there are many occasions where they are much more "busy" than the guitars they are accenting. Phil and Cliff put on a clinic on that release despite not doing anything earth-shattering. I a have never heard a more perfect execution of rythm than by those two (along with Malcolm) than that release.

Clammy said:
Yup, even when I played guitar in bands, I was always the rhythm guitarist (so the switch to bass, 8 years ago, was easy and natural for me). I've never really been into playing solos, but I LOVE playing songs. For me it's ALL about the rhythm. That said, I love LISTENING to a weel crafted solo!

:headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

The glory of music. I am not talented enough to be the next Yngwie Malmsteen, but I wouldn't want to be. Don't get me wrong.... I would love to have his skill, but I think playing with emotion and attitude is more where it is at. Technical ability is not to take lightly. Without the greats like EVH, Neil Peart, Chris Squier and Gunter Werno (no one but me knows him, but he is to keyboards what Jesus is to Christianity,) music wouldn't be the same. Having said that though, many of my favorite bands have average musicians.

Clammy said:
Yup, even when I played guitar in bands, I was always the rhythm guitarist (so the switch to bass, 8 years ago, was easy and natural for me). I've never really been into playing solos, but I LOVE playing songs. For me it's ALL about the rhythm. That said, I love LISTENING to a weel crafted solo!

:headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
I know what you mean Bro! Criss Oliva is my Favorite Guitarist Ever and my Main Influence in Playin Bass even tho he is a Guitar Player His Rhythm was Rock solid and His Leads were Emotional and Beautiful ..... as for my own playin I can by no means Say I am very good or talented or anything like that I just have a good ear for music and When I play I put 120% into it Techniclly you could prolly say I totally suck but I put all my heart into it and that always came across stronger than my lack of Technical skill hahahaha I like to crush with Big heavy sound ahahaha and challenge everybody else to match my energy level its fuckin hard to explain I could type for days and prolly never get out what the fuck I'm trying to say hahaha ...I remember the last live show I did which was quite a spell ago hahaha there was 3 of us Bass Drums and Guitar prolly 60 ppl in the crowd (Big for a Podunk Vermont Metal/Hardcore show) I was the only one who was working the crowd and Creating juice my guitar player could barely play his lines do to his accute Stage fright hahahaha Needless to say that band Disolved and I have yet to conjure up another version (Nobody wants to play metal they are all into that Hardcore I want to be Hatebreed shit) ANYWAYS I'm going to stop since I cant remember where I was trying to go with all of that :loco:
sixxswine said:
Which would you say are the most annoying?!
Cast your vote, I'd like to hear what you got to say...
*I'll be honest, I'm only looking at what the regulars have to say, since this is the house they helped build.:worship:

Guess this poll was aimed at me... :cry: .. anyways its not just the newbies that flame.. Regs also flame... you just have to check out the General Music Discussion forum for examples.. not you though Doden.. your one of the few cool ones in GMD ... :headbang:
Unfaithfully Metalhead said:
Guess this poll was aimed at me... :cry: ..
anyways its not just the newbies that flame.. Regs also flame... you just have to check out the General Music Discussion forum for examples.. not you though Doden.. your one of the few cool ones in GMD ... :headbang:
a) I won't consider this is aimed at you or any of the other regulars (old or new) in OS, you're alright Unf :wave:

b) One reason I stay here and I don't go to GMD or other forums is because we have here a nice pacific place (like Psychonaut said above). I can't stand flamers and obtuse people.
Dodens Grav said:
The new moderator of GMD recently made the comment that most Metal outside of Death Metal and Black Metal has little to no musical value. :D
I guess that is a very good measure of his/her IQ :Smug:
Unfaithfully Metalhead said:
Guess this poll was aimed at me... :cry: .. anyways its not just the newbies that flame.. Regs also flame... you just have to check out the General Music Discussion forum for examples.. not you though Doden.. your one of the few cool ones in GMD ... :headbang:

hhahahaha this one is turning into the kiss the new guys ass thread hahaha

Dude this wasnt Aimed at you I'm sure! I have read many of your posts in here and they always seem to be Informed and thought out :D
Dodens Grav said:
The new moderator of GMD recently made the comment that most Metal outside of Death Metal and Black Metal has little to no musical value. :D
That pretty Lame and close minded Who ever made them a Moderator sould have thought twice .... Ignorant Bastards
Someone had told me today he is only 15. His name on the forum is Guardian of Darkness. Closes threads left and right of band's he hates but uses the excuse that flamewars are occurring to close them. Oddly enough threads of bands he likes that end up sometimes in flamewars do not get closed. Some threads he closed are Black Dahlia Murder, Children of Bodom & Scorpions. But oh well he was voted in by them and Deron accepted the vote so nothing much any of them can do about it now then complain to Deron. I voted for anonymousnick first but since he didn't want the job i was persuaded to vote for GoD because they said he would be fair in moderating the forum.
Let me get this: 15 y.o, BM and DM only?

*I have to resist the temptation*

*I'll not flame*

*Control the anger*

*Breathing deeply*

*Don't look at the shotgun on the wall*

No, I will not fall into the trap. What I think about the "creature" is for me to enjoy only :D

JonnyD said:
hhahahaha this one is turning into the kiss the new guys ass thread hahaha
C'mon sugar don't be jealous. Here for you
Wyvern said:
Let me get this: 15 y.o, BM and DM only?

*I have to resist the temptation*

*I'll not flame*

*Control the anger*

*Breathing deeply*

*Don't look at the shotgun on the wall*

No, I will not fall into the trap. What I think about the "creature" is for me to enjoy only :D

:lol: :lol: :lol:
I voted Newbies I'm one and Madcheese poping up everywhere is prbably pissing people off. I posted one in gen. music being sarcastic and 30% seriouse and got that thread closed in two replys. Haw, I'm such a dumbass. I'd say the things I don't really like most is when the bashers bash someone for liking a band everyone else hates. It's stupid, and I like GnR's cover of Knocking on Heavens Door, and doubt that Bryant will bash me for it. There's not much respect like there used to be, like fathers who used to bitch at thier kids to have respect just to teach them about it. I didn't get that from my pops and I got plenty respect for my elders. Don't fall asleep I'll quit writing.