Most cheerful metal.


Pitiful Newbie
Feb 2, 2006
Basically, I'm wondering what the most cheerful, happy, joyous, gay* metal is.

I expect it'll be folk or power or something of that variety.

*the ealier sorta meaning, not what many of you lot are. Or is that "idiots"? :p

Anyway try to have fun without flames, or being idiots (come on, you can do it, it may be extremely hard for you, but I'm sure you can manage it).
Dragonforce gets my vote, or certain songs off Orange Goblins "Frequencies from Planet Ten" (i.e. "Magic Carpet")
Iron Maiden always puts a smile on my face after some booze.

judas priest painkiller also.
The happiest and lamest metal band I know of is Skylark.

They make Sonata Arctica look fucking like Death Angel. Well, not really but they are the epitome of "flower metal."
el barto said:
If it's happy cheerful and gay your after look no further than hammerfall

Of what I've heard of their music (two albums, Renegade [which I prefered], and Unbent Enbound Unbroken [which was okay]) maybe some wsa happy, but there was plenty that isn't ('specially there soppy tracks :lol: ).

EDIT: Some examples would be good too. Just a name of a track would be enough, though linkies are good for the lazy.