Most Disappointing Albums You've Ever Bought..


New Metal Member
Mar 1, 2003
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Ok this has probably been done before but ah well...

So whats the most disappointing album or albums you've ever bought, Like that one you have been waiting for to come out ever since you heard about it and buying it then coming home listening to it and it sucks.

I would have to pick Slayer - God Hates Us All. I maybe like 2 songs off of it. :yuk:
I would have to say (when it comes to metal)
that edenbridge: aphelion was a disapointment.
Ive never heard of them and bought them on a hunch, supposedly it was going to sound like
nightwish, but it didnt. Never really given the albums to many listens though, but I didnt like it.
all of my nu-metal i used to have
slayer - god hates us all
in flames - reroute to remain
anthrax - attack of the killer b's
shadows fall - of one blood
soilwork - natural born chaos
sepultura - nation
what?!?!?! R2R and NBC are awesome albums!

anyway, i used to love Pearl Jam and i was really looking forward to the new album when i bought 'Vitalogy' ............omg. it is still one of the worst albums i have EVER heard.
Dr. Doom OWNS!

Dimmu Borgir - SBD, Stormblast. Everyone basically said these albums made them masturbate violently, but these albums made me wanna cut my genitals off

Internecine - The Book of Lambs. I was expecting more from Jared Anderson. Instead he gives me a well played, well executed Hate Eternal rehash, that's boring as fuck

Sadistik Exekution - Fukk. I have the first two songs on an Osmose sampler, and I downloaded the third song. But when the album came, the rest of it sucked.

Cradle Of Filth - V Empire. I will admit, their first album is good BLACK METAL. This album is where they started going down their modern path. The only song I like on it is the third song, and it's 10 mins, so that's 1/4 of the album. The rest is crap.

I have more, but I just can't think of them.
Cradle of Filth - Bitter Suites to Succubi
Dimmu Borgir - Puritanical Misanthropic ... whatever.
Life of Agony - Ugly
Bal-sagoth - The Power Cosmic

There's a handful more, but I had high hopes for all of these and they just didn't live up to my hopes.

EDIT: That sounded really lame, I apologize. :saint:
The one that comes to mind to me right away is Queensryche: 'Q2K'
As the Comic Book Guy on The Simpsons might say, "Worst
Queensryche album ever."

Also, both 'Load' and 'ReLoad'. Although I thought that 'Reload'
was marginally better than 'Load'. I don't know if I'll even buy
the new Metallica when it comes out...Prob'ly not!

Aerosmith: 'Just Push Play' is another I just thought of. Too pop.
i think Q2K was a decent Queensryche album.
the real disappointing album was "Hear In The Now Frontier" now thats a crap.
also another one for me would be "Projector" by Dark Tranquility.
"The Minds I" is a masterpiece, "projector" was cheesy, had no imagination in the songwritting, stanne sang like a gay , and generally all the magical elements of "The Minds I" were lost.
Many albums have been disappointments to me,due to ridiculous hype that the bands dont deliver on.The first that come to mind are these,mainly cause i've traded them away for hopefully stuff that wont disappoint:

Children Of Bodom/Hatebreeder - what the hell is the big stink with this band?I dont get it.Yes,great guitars,that much i know.But there is nothing else to hold my interest.Horrid vox too.I made a cdr copy but i doubt if i'm ever gonna be possessed to play that.

Lamb Of God/New American Gospel - probably only heard this 2 times before being put in the "to get rid of pile".Only saving grace this band has is the drumming,but brutal for the sake of being brutal has no place in my collection (I have a similar complaint with Cryptopsy).No cdr copy with this though,i'm not gonna waste a blank cdr.

There are a ton of other stuff that have been quite disappointing ,like the new Vintersorg isnt up to par,and the last Dream Theater album (the second disc more specifically).Slayer's last two sucked mucho asso too.
Yeah, there was another thread like this not too long ago, because I remember saying this:

I have a hard time remembering disappointing albums, because they never make it back into my CD changer. Too many great CDs out there to worry about sub-standard fare. But, here's a few I can dig up:

Metallica--Bload (feeling creative tonight :))
Sabbat--Wind Has Broken :D
Nocturnal Rites--Shadowland
Running Wild--Masquerade

I can think of a few albums that I was bitterly disappointed when they came out although now I really like them:

Dark Throne: A Blaze In The Northern Sky – I love this album now but when I first heard it I was massively into Soulside Journey and Blaze was such a change – I was looking forward to tricky drumming and odd time changes – when I heard the song on the Peaceville Volume 4 compilation I was very surprised – the sound was so harsh – but I got the album on tape and it only took a while before In The Shadow Of The Horns seeped it’s way into my mind and I had to keep listening to the acoustic bit at the end over and over

Carcass: Heartwork – only recently have I really begun to appreciate this album (still can’t stand Swan Song though) – at the time it was too clean and not brutal enough (I still worship Symphonies and Reek over later stuff so I like crusty sound) – at the time I wasn’t amazed by Necroticism for the same reason but it took me much longer to like Heartwork

Napalm Death: Inside The Torn Apart – I got this free as a promo at least but I still can’t stand it – the clean vocals on the title track send shivers down my spine – I think there is maybe one song with blasts (I could be wrong though – there might be none) – I still haven’t heard Words From The Exit Wound but from reviews it doesn’t sound like they improved until Enemy