Most Overrated Bands You Want To Die

It is not written ANYWHERE in music history that Pink Floyd is the most influential band ever, you fucking uneducated dolt. If you ever get an instructor that passes that off as fact to you, you are obliged to show his nuts to his face.
Dodens Grav said:
It is not written ANYWHERE in music history that Pink Floyd is the most influential band ever, you fucking uneducated dolt. If you ever get an instructor that passes that off as fact to you, you are obliged to show his nuts to his face.


Wouldn't the Beatles or the Rolli Stones or perhaps even Elvis be far more influential than Pink Floyd? Maybe even Black Sabbath?

To go even further back, wouldn't the first guy who ever played a guitar be more influential?

And I go back to what I said. Genesis and Black Sabbath have a fuckton more to do with good music today than Pink Floyd.
I'm not even talking about influence, let alone quality. I'm just talking about the retarded statement that what he said is physically recorded in the annals of music history as fact. You would have to be unbelievably stupid to suggest that.
I personally speaking, am not all too jazzed about Floyd, but then again what i like or don't like changes from another persons point of view no...?
ender7227 said:
why shadows fall? shitty vocals yet great guitars
why do they deserve death?

EDIT: sorry i fucked up the formatting on the qoute box
The vocalist is so fucking shitty that he shits up the rest of anything else that might be going on. The guitars are good, but not "great". Kinda like "college metal" or some shit, there's something real fucking cracker/preppy about Shadows Fall.
GarinStone said:
I don't FUCKING care how influential a band is. Your logic is shit.

My girlfriends grandmother = incredibly influential at my girlfriend existing.
Does that mean I'd want to fuck her too? Absolutly not.

:lol: wow
GarinStone said:
wintersun(again, all i hear is "fucking incredible" and its good but nothing of the sort)

:OMG: WTF?!?!?


fucking hawthorne heights!!
avenged sevenfold
pink floyd
Mitton said:
DRAGONFORCE they are so Overrated and they are really bad.
OH YEAH!!! :kickass:

metal paddy said:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Well...I'm not going to discuss the PINK FLOYD issue here...:Smug:
so, here's my list:

Cradle of Filth
Iced earth
Dream Theater
Dimmu Borgir

/\ ALL DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :Puke:

Sonata Artica
Lacuna Coil

/\ DIE, DIE, DIE, DIE!!!!!! :Shedevil:
When someone takes a stab at iced earth exclude night of the stormrider.