Most Overrated Opeth Song

In this forum the moor, overall demon of the fall. As for the best songs gimme Morningrise, the only album I can listen to all the way through and it actually gets better with successive listens. I really wish they would go back to a more Morningrise style.
Why is it as soon has Mr. Haver posts a top 50 list, Advent becomes the most popular song??? wasn't it like Pattern's in the Ivy II before, or Godshead Lament??? Fuck, people didn't even really think about Advent before that list.
The Moor, duh. It always wins best song in all the polls. And it's clearly not the best song. Advent and April Ethereal slay The Moor, especially live. AE is Opeth's best live song, period. Whatever though, just continue to fellate Still Life like you always do.

Patterns in the Ivy II is an unstoppable juggernaut of a song.
Most of Morningrise.

It's way to close to "frolicking" music. Stuff that midgets with pointy hats can dance to. I could swear I hear Kazoos in there somewhere.

I have a love/hate relationship with this album. Parts are amazing, but the frolicky stuff makes me cringe. Thank god they left that style behind and have never returned to it.

Opeth didn't really become amazing until MAYH..... Still their best album.
A Fair Judgement.

Its a good song but there's not all that much to it, and except for the solos and the chorus lead there's not too much of a hook. Not saying a song is all about a hook but that seems to be the type of song its trying to be.