Mostest easiest Opeth songs on guitar.

There's plenty of other factor's: hours a day, natural talent, etc. etc. - I used to not play a note for days at a time and I'm pretty universally shitty at everything extracurricular to enjoy in life. Anyway, the point is that posts like "Opeth doesnt have any hard songs" are not helpful. If things like that could be objectively true than my post would have never gotten any replies (or been posted for that matter).
The posts ARE helpful. The point is to piss you off so you would play more and get better instead of wasting time on the forums wishing you could play better.

Please, dont use the "natural talent" as an excuse to not play as much as you should. Look around in youtube, there are plenty of idiots who couldnt make a decent solo if their life depended on it, yet there they are, whizzling their scales up and down 20 notes per second. Just hard work.
I can't play guitar well :( My brother has a classical guitar that I've been trying to learn Windowpane on, I'm still working on the intro, I've figured out how to do it (hammer ons and pull offs are hard when you don't even know what they are XD but I found that out now) I can do the first part easily but once it gets to the bit with the hammer on on the 7th fret then changing string and doing a 7 then a pull off on the 4th fret it gets too complicated for me to do at any decent speed :( I really suck, oh well, I'll practice more I guess, I think I need to develop my coordination so I can get notes right at a half decent speed.
Luckily my brother is getting an electric guitar next week so I'm going to try Grand Conjuration on it as I could do some of that relatively well for my standards until I broke the thickest string on his classical guitar by trying to do Drop D tuning XD
Try with something easier. Most guitarist had to start with stupid songs before getting into real stuff. So it's possible that you shouldn't start right with Opeth.

I think I have to start with a song I really like otherwise I don't have the eagerness to actually learn it, of course it would be far easier to try to learn some blink182 or something but they're shit so I wouldn't get excited about playing their songs. I'll just have to practice more this way.
I'm quite pleased though, I can now play the intro through slowly (I can do the very first bit at the right pace but the bit with the move down to 7th and back up on the next string always screws me up because i'm not precise enough so i end upsticking my fingers down in the wrong place if I try too fast :erk:
^Learn Patterns in the Ivy. It's piss easy and satisfying and the motion of your fingerpicking hand will help with all the other crap.
Cheers, I'll try it out.

Looking at the tab it looks a lot easier than Windowpane and the fretting hand doesn't have to do that much work (which is what most of my problems in Windowpane are caused by)
^ I mean't.. the goal is not to play something you like, but to be able to play it in the future. Your goal should be to play guitar, not to play Opeth. I've started with stupid Christmas song, you know.
^ I mean't.. the goal is not to play something you like, but to be able to play it in the future. Your goal should be to play guitar, not to play Opeth. I've started with stupid Christmas song, you know.

Yeah I know, it's just I find it hard to keep at something when I'm not actually working at what I'm aiming for, like if I wanted to draw something I would just draw it, not draw something simpler that doesn't interest me and work up until I get there, I'd just start and work at it until it is what I wanted. That's what put me off learning to play before, I just can't keep at it if I'm just doing exercises or basic songs, I just get bored of it .
It might not be the best way to learn but at least this way I should keep at it until I get somewhere, even if it does take ages to nail a whole song (although now I've started trying out parts from different songs (not just Opeth :) ) to just build up a bit (has to be metal though) I love the intro of Pursuit of Vikings by Amon Amarth, it's so easy even I can do it :D
Actually I suppose I could try some Red Hot Chili Peppers but I want to try out a few more metal songs when my brother gets his electric guitar 1st.
Find a middleground. Trying to get into guitar by learning basic chords is boring as hell, but trying to dive right in to your favorite songs probably won't work either. Try starting with some classic rock songs, those typically sound cool right off the bat but aren't hard to play at all. First riffs I learned I think were Smoke on the Water, Sunday Bloody Sunday, some AC-DC songs, Under the Bridge, and God of Thunder.

Some easy metal riffs would be like...For Whom the Bell Tolls or Seek and Destroy (Metallica) or random power chord progressions off Undertow (Tool). As far as Opeth goes, there's some satisfying riffs made entirely of octaves and power chords that you can start with (Wreath, The Grand Conjuration, Masters Apprentices, Demon of the Fall), but you'll have trouble putting whole songs together. Also try riffs from TNATSW and Orchid songs, they're mostly pretty easy so they can be a nice escape from power chords for beginner.
Oh yeah, I forgot I can play the main riff from SotW :D someone taught it to me years ago, has been all I can play for ages.
I'll try some of the stuff you suggested and look around ultimate-guitar for some more, if anyone knows any easy songs by any of the bands on my (my page should come up is you click my sig) I'd be grateful :)
Blackwater Park, Wreath, and Deliverance are all really easy riff wise but not* quite the easiest solos (Wreath's first one and Deliverance's second one are easy, the rest are not)
The first solo in Deliverance isn't exactly easy until you get the hang of it, the speed at which it is played confused me, but I can play it well, though the last part before the consecutive upward string part with the hammers on using the 11, 12, 13, and 14 scale is an unusual speed for me.
I had to move the frets around on that one to suit me but then it was pretty easy too. Rather than use the typical shape of an a-minor arpeggio on the solo I used the one thats moved lower on the fretboard and doesn't use the 5th string (aka the one used in the Funeral Portrait) and it got a lot easier. Right now that 2nd Funeral Portrait solo is the real bitch for me (though I don't even try to pull off Fred's stuff or White Cluster) as far as making it sound like the song, though I can play the arpeggio part on its own pretty well, and the 2nd Leper Affinity solo is rough for me just because I have a hard time using lower strings past the 19th fret or so on my les paul because the body isn't really shaped for it.
I don't think I am a good player, as I am playing guitar only for almost 1.5 years and have never any change to have a lesson. I learned everything with the help of forums, videos and my own insistence. I know it changes person to person, but I think Opeth has some really hard songs. I think with more excercise and with some little help, I will handle them all. Being impatient, I am trying to both playing and singing. Doing that much more difficult, I guess.

As for my limited abilities, I can play:
- Ending Credits
- Patterns in the Ivy
- Epilogue
- To Bid You Farewell (with vocals, except from the distortion parts)
- Advent
- The Night and the Silent Water (with almost all of the vocals)
- Nectar (until the parts of clean vocals, i can both sing and play)
- Black Rose Immortal (with vocals but 2nd solo makes me sick and trying to find a way to play it)
- The Apostle in Triumph (with vocals)
- Deliverance (need more practise with acoustic parts)
- In My Time of Need
- To Rid the Disease
In addition to them, I can play many parts of many different Opeth songs, but not the entire. Perhaps I'm not good enough, or not trying hard enough.

It seems like Orchid and Morningrise songs are really easy and fun to play. They really need both endurance for minutes of playing and good memory to keep all those different riffs and solos in mind. But if you keen on those albums, they don't make any problem. At least for me..