Faith Puppeteer
I'm so glad I'm not the only one that doesn't get Kevin Smith films. Though I did like Dogma. But my boyfriend just has a FIT everytime I say "I just don't dig Kevin Smith..."
I also don't get the James Bond films. BORING.
Vampire movies - vampires are froo-froo any more. I think we can all thank Anne Rice for that.
Werewolf movies - why must the good majority of them suck? I've only seen two quality Werewolf movies: An American Werewolf in London and Silver Bullet. The sequel to Werewolf in London had some nifty CGI wolves, but the story was weak. No other werewolf movie is really worth mentioning, except to say how bad it is. Is it -that- difficult for horror writers to write a good Werewolf flick?
Zombie movies - the concept freaks me the fuck out. However, the damn things shamble slowly! Kick them in the head, smash them with a 2x4, shoot them - whatever! But they're not -that- hard to defeat! And really, if you think about it, fresh zombies may be able to move quickly, but not for too long. Once rigor mortis sets in, they're screwed. And then when the rotting process begins...the damn things would fall apart! If you think about it, zombies aren't all that fearsome after an hour or so.
Scream - why does everybody like this movie? It sucks!
Most gore/slasher flicks - blood for the sake of blood = retarded. Give me a good psychological, edge-of-your-seat thriller any day.
Clueless - Again, why does everybody like this movie? It was stupid the first time I watched it, it was stupid when I saw it again on TV. It's just a stupid movie!
Grease - overrated! Another movie that people soil themselves over. It's just a twisted version of O. Henry's Gift of the Magi.
I totally agree with everything here, short of the Kevin Smith comment.
Also, I'll second the Steve Martin/Jim Carrey comments and add to that list anything containing Rob Schneider, Tim Allen and Martin Lawrence.

Any movie with Jean Claude Van Damm or Steven Seagal is completely unwatchable.
I've also had the pleasure of watching 'Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter' from beginning to end, that was a terrible movie.