Movies you just don't get

I would actually NOT recommend the "Howling" sequels. The first one is good and the rest are wretched.

You may be right, it's probably been at least 15 years since I've seen a Howling movie. I just have a fondness for old 80's movies, but more often then not they turn out to be lame if you watched them today, for example Waxworks has really bad fight scenes where it's like kids playing at recess, but I guess it's much different when your a kid.

I did like the Ginger Snaps series as well.

Masters of Horror has some interesting stories sometimes.
I'm going to incur the wrath of the Star Wars Nerd Militia here, but I think the new trilogy (I-III) is far better and more epic than the original trilogy (IV-VI). That said, I didn't see the original movies until about 2002, or so.
For me it is just the opposite - I love the original Star Wars trilogy (IV-VI), but can't stand the new movies they made (I-III). Episode III was by far the best out of that new installment, but they were all pretty damn awful IMO. Same goes for the way Lucas and his team fucked up the original trilogy with all the pointless overdone special effect bullshit just so they could re-release them in the theaters and make more money. Uggg! :Puke:

Yeah. That guy is the same character in every movie!
Regarding Jim Carey - this statement is completely true if you have only seen his comedies. It used to be I couldn't stand him (although his comedy has grown on me over time - I do like Liar, Liar), but after I saw things like The Truman Show, I realized that Carey did have some acting talent and wasn't just a bag of overused catch-phrases and random impersonations.

Other movies I really "don't get":
Anything with Tom Cruise - Can't stand the guy. Don't think he can act. Don't think he's good looking. :yuk: ("Tom you need to come out of the closet now. No one's going to think any less of you." :lol:)
Anything with Mr. Bean - not funny
Anything with Tom Green as a main character - I like Road Trip, but that's because he's not in the movie for most of it.
Most things with Ben Affleck
Any of the Rocky films
A.I. - 2 and 1/2 hours of film and just when you finally think that the torture is over ... there's another fucking hour to the damn movie ... and it's another hour that doesn't even make any freakin' sense! :hypno: How I wish I could reclaim those hours of my life.
Blade Runner - Perhaps it's because the first time I saw this was about 2 or 3 weeks after I saw AI, but it was so similar in my mind that I automatically hated it.
The Nightmare Before Christmas
A.I. - 2 and 1/2 hours of film and just when you finally think that the torture is over ... there's another fucking hour to the damn movie ... and it's another hour that doesn't even make any freakin' sense! :hypno: How I wish I could reclaim those hours of my life.

I had forgotten this was absolutely horrible in my opinion! And it just wouldn't end. I should have gone for the EJECT button but didn't....
A.I. - 2 and 1/2 hours of film and just when you finally think that the torture is over ... there's another fucking hour to the damn movie ... and it's another hour that doesn't even make any freakin' sense! :hypno: How I wish I could reclaim those hours of my life.

I totally disagree with you on "Blade Runner," but I agree with your dislike of "A.I." Easily one of the most frustrating things I have ever seen. So much talent and money and design poured on the no effect. The first 30 minutes made me think I was watching a world class movie...but then it turned into an attempt to be a sci-fi "Pinocchio," except that as a science fiction movie, you know magic is not going to turn the kid into a "real boy." It's like watching a dead fish flopping around in a barrel. What's the point? We watch this kid on a quest that has no resolution? But then even that was somewhat tolerable, but when you think the movie is going to end - even on a downbeat note, but at least it was somewhat of an ending - it launches into that "WHAT WAS THAT?!?" finale. Frustrating.

I also agree on Jim Carrey in "Truman Show." One of the more underrated films from recent years.
A Logan's Run remake is in the works?? Wow.....let carousel begin (again)! :hypno:

"Renew! Renew!"

As for my tastes, I don't see any bad movies. I'm very particular. :Smug: :lol:

Regarding 300, yes, there were a lot of historical innacuracies. There were problems with the Persian forces -- no, they didn't have elephants because they couldn't get them across the Hellespont, they didn't have those weird orc-like critters, and Xerxes was completely wrong...and the backstory set in Sparta was mostly made up. Mostly.

BUT, the numbers in each opposing force, the location and flow of the battle, the final 'arrow shower' are all close to historical accuracy. The exact site of that final arrow-shower scene was found by archaeologists. Today, a modern highway goes through the pass of Thermopylae and it's no longer right next to the ocean, but a memorial and a tomb are at the site. The valor and bravery depicted in the movie were quite real indeed.
I almost forgot, I've never seen The Wizard of Oz and I can't stand the vast majority of musicals.

Also, I'm not a huge fan of Clint Eastwood (some of his movies are great, others I've seen were alright and some others I thought were painful to watch).
You may be right, it's probably been at least 15 years since I've seen a Howling movie. I just have a fondness for old 80's movies, but more often then not they turn out to be lame if you watched them today, for example Waxworks has really bad fight scenes where it's like kids playing at recess, but I guess it's much different when your a kid.

I did like the Ginger Snaps series as well.

Masters of Horror has some interesting stories sometimes.

The Lost Boys has stood the test of time for me out of the 80s horror movie pack. Otherwise, I can't sit through any of them.

For all of my pompousness, The Lost Boys is arguably my favorite movie of all time.

I knew there was more we had in common
For all of my pompousness, The Lost Boys is arguably my favorite movie of all time.

* points to the BIG, now-infamous Generation Perdue (French ed.) poster hanging in its sacred spot over the TV in the living room. "Why yes, I kinda like that flick m'self."

(Two years I've owned this house, and that's still the only poster I've actually hung...because it was always the first thing you'd notice at the old apartment. :) )

A modern highway goes through there now??

Yep. Interestingly, the tomb is thought to contain the actual remains of King Leonidas and the others who made their final stand. The Persians took the bodies with them after Thermopylae and pillaged the rest of Greece for a while, even sacking the city of Athens and taking some of the statuary and monuments. The statues were taken back to one of the Imperial capitals (either Babylon or Persepolis or Susa), and were later recovered by Alexander the Great and sent back home. It's thought that the remains of the 300-or-so were recovered earlier, though, probably after the Battle of Platea, which is shown at the end of 300.
I had forgotten this was absolutely horrible in my opinion! And it just wouldn't end. I should have gone for the EJECT button but didn't....

I should have walked out of the theater. I was on a date with a guy I had only been out with a few times. We both didn't say anything in the theater for two reasons: 1) we were both so incredibly dumbfounded by how bad the movie was - like a train wreck, we just couldn't look away or say anything, and 2) we both thought that the other person was enjoying the movie and didn't want to be rude. When we left the theater, we didn't say anything until we got back in the car and sat there for a moment. Then almost at the same time we both said "Wow! That was so bad!" and that's pretty much all we could say the whole drive home. "That was so bad!" :lol:
I'll agree that there were points when one expected the movie to end.. and it just kept going. Many really dislike how Spielberg ended it and though it should have ended one... 'scene' prior (I don't want to 'spoil' anything).

Ermm.. that said I love the movie. I think its quite brilliant. However, I've only seen it once so far hehe. I need to see it again. I think that Jude Law has a great performance, and the whole story and thought that went into is great.
For all of my pompousness, The Lost Boys is arguably my favorite movie of all time.

I actually remember the movie theatre I saw this in when I was a kid growing up in LA, I think it was on the corner of Fairfax and Beverly or 3rd street, that seems like such a long time ago I forgot that life even existed. I guess I'm a little curious to see how LA has changed over the years now that I think about it.

This movie has so many great quotes though, I think my favorite is at the end where Grampa says the one thing I can't stand about Santa Clara is all the damn vampires.

The sountrack was awesome as well, I recently listened to a cover of Cry Little Sister by Blutengel.
I'll agree that there were points when one expected the movie to end.. and it just kept going. Many really dislike how Spielberg ended it and though it should have ended one... 'scene' prior (I don't want to 'spoil' anything).

Ermm.. that said I love the movie. I think its quite brilliant. However, I've only seen it once so far hehe. I need to see it again. I think that Jude Law has a great performance, and the whole story and thought that went into is great.

Well, didn't he "Spielbergize" it, which is what most people did not like since the story wasn't originally intended for that type of ending? Personally only ever saw about 20 minutes of it but some of my film major friends in college had talked about that once.