I'm going to incur the wrath of the Star Wars Nerd Militia here, but I think the new trilogy (I-III) is far better and more epic than the original trilogy (IV-VI). That said, I didn't see the original movies until about 2002, or so.
For me it is just the opposite - I love the original Star Wars trilogy (IV-VI), but can't stand the new movies they made (I-III). Episode III was by far the best out of that new installment, but they were all pretty damn awful IMO. Same goes for the way Lucas and his team fucked up the original trilogy with all the pointless overdone special effect bullshit just so they could re-release them in the theaters and make more money. Uggg!

Yeah. That guy is the same character in every movie!
Regarding Jim Carey - this statement is completely true if you have only seen his comedies. It used to be I couldn't stand him (although his comedy has grown on me over time - I do like Liar, Liar), but after I saw things like The Truman Show, I realized that Carey did have some acting talent and wasn't just a bag of overused catch-phrases and random impersonations.
Other movies I really "don't get":
Anything with Tom Cruise - Can't stand the guy. Don't think he can act. Don't think he's good looking.

("Tom you need to come out of the closet now. No one's going to think any less of you."

Anything with Mr. Bean - not funny
Anything with Tom Green as a main character - I like Road Trip, but that's because he's not in the movie for most of it.
Most things with Ben Affleck
Any of the Rocky films
A.I. - 2 and 1/2 hours of film and just when you finally think that the torture is over ... there's another fucking hour to the damn movie ... and it's another hour that doesn't even make any freakin' sense!

How I wish I could reclaim those hours of my life.
Blade Runner - Perhaps it's because the first time I saw this was about 2 or 3 weeks after I saw AI, but it was so similar in my mind that I automatically hated it.
The Nightmare Before Christmas