@booB: Not familiar with David Lynch. Sorry.

I'm not a huge Clive Barker fan, though. Generally his flicks tend to be unnecessarily gory too, IMO.
Gory, yes, but not unnecessarily so... the gore is constructed to contribute as much as possible to the viewer's psychological response. If you were turned off by the gore level of Hellraiser, I'd still recommend watching Nightbreed... it's actually more of a fantasy movie with horror overtones, and overall it's not as much "gory" as it is "freaky" (although there are a couple of really gross scenes in it

As for David Lynch, he's more of a weird psychological thriller guy; his stuff isn't really "horror", per se. The movies Eraserhead, Lost Highway, Mulholland Drive, and Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me are like abstract art, but whether you understand them or not, the imagery will freak you out.
I often find Wes Craven's stuff too bloody
I agree with J-Dub... you're a wuss.

Wes Craven movies are like the "cotton candy" of horror, which is why I don't really get into them myself.
As far as movies go:
Wedding Crashers, Swingers (and most of Vince Vaughn's catelog)
Swingers is awesome as hell, but I'm more of a Jon Favreau fan than a Vince Vaughn fan. Speaking of whom, The Big Empty is one of the unsung works of art in independent cinema.
...one of my all-time favs...
...didja know that warner bros has a remake in the works?.....and supposedly it will be closer to the book than the original movie was...........
LOVED Logan's Run... one of the few classic sci-fi films that I really got into... it's such a "human" story.