music thread: what things have you been listening to lately


Aug 2, 2002
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doesn't have to be NEW doesn't have to be obscure and doesn't have to be considered cool, those are the rules:

today i listened to zeppelin and miracle fortress on the way to work.
and josh seipp got me into listening to john mooney (i confess he's good damnit ok he is)
adam & the ants box set that deadair sent me (fucking rad dude thanks)
triac because i was like totally breaking bottles up and i was like i need something brutal :kickass:
the most recent thing I like a lot is the White Rabbits record from last year.

I've also been listening to shitloads of Bauhaus--I got Go Away White and it was decent, but it inspired me to dl old stuff (I only had Flat Field) and revived me on that.

also Stephen Merritt stuff (Future Bible Heroes, 6ths).

Marnie Stern (awesome finger-tapping guitar)

Deathspell Omega (just awesome all around)
yes, deathspell is pretty awesome.

i've mostly been listening to black metal and shoegaze lately. check out pyramids. they signed to hydrahead recently, and i hear that toby contributed to the remix disc that is being included with their album.

for things that aren't black metal or shoegaze, i'd recommend current 93, coil, pantaleimon, six organs of admittance...pretty much anyone who is associated with david tibet. and pretty much anything on young god records (check out fire on fire!).

and even though it might be considered "cool/hip/lame-because-it-was-hyped-by-pitchfork," i'd recommend either album by burial.
It isn't? Poo...I wanted to put Arvo Part lolz too! (though I'd put the accent over the second 'a' if I knew how)

I've been listening to lots of:
Under Byen (tasty Bjork rip off)
Steve Coleman
Porter Ricks
motW - My Fruit Psychobells... (finally got around to purchasing the remaster a short while ago)
...and Spoonion. (Folding a Towel FTW!)
Noway Amanda, I've been listening to Ariel Pink tons lately. Have you seen his drawings? What a great man.

I'm also way into the first Avey Tare and Panda Bear album, Spirit They're Gone, Spirit They've Vanished. Neon airy closed eyes forest twinkles magic sauce.

The new Portishead is pretty good too.
i'm home and the N sticks on my keyboard so please forgive any missing N's.

inky: i'm glad you like him. i think his stuff is really cute and yes i did see a few of his drawings, do you have a link to more that i maybe didn't see?

yesterday i listened to:

lee scratch perry
nation of ulysses