i wish i had gone to that show instead of the one i went to. new years was terrible for me.oh MAN the New Year's show a few months ago was KILLER! Huge fireworks battle right before we played. Pulling Teeth were fucking awesome too.
i wish i had gone to that show instead of the one i went to. new years was terrible for me.oh MAN the New Year's show a few months ago was KILLER! Huge fireworks battle right before we played. Pulling Teeth were fucking awesome too.
"who will survive..." is great. i haven't listened to it in a while, but i don't remember liking "in bocca al lupo" as much. i thought the pacing was weird and that the singer was doing his "johnny cash vocals" too much.the new Murder By Death has been in heavy rotation too.
does anyone know if the rest of their albums are this good and in the same vein?
I like Camera Obscura albums but I saw them at the docks for free over the summer and they were kind of boring.
also, there were shitloads of termites flying round and getting stuck in everyone's hair.