Muslim Maniacs!

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Norsemaiden said:
1 Jewish presence in ancient Greece. Financed Alexander's campaigns. Alexander reportedly knelt before head rabbi in Jerusalem even though Alexander believed himself to be a god.
2 Financed Julius Caesar (Imperial stock exchange in Jerusalem)
Created Christianity to destroy Roman Empire. Created Islam (Muhammed urged to write Koran by Khadija - elderly Jewish widow he married.
3 Financed Norman conquest
4 Financed crusades (Zionism pt 1)
5 Financed Cromwell and English civil war - from Holland
6 Financed and created British Empire for trade (ran slave trade and tried to limit American colonies to 13)
7 Financed French Revolution (lost control of it)
8 Financed Duke of Wellington (Rothschilds)
9 Financed crimean war against Russians
10 Rothschild dynasty backed both sides in American civil war - to prolong it and get rich and bleed white race.
11 Planned WWI (which created the poverty in Germany that gave Hitler his opportunity) (created Communism - Karl Marx, Fredrich Engles)
12 Financed both sides in WWII
13 Killed Kenedy to get Vietnam war started (Kissinger) and also because he was a threat to the Federal Reserve
14 Organised Iraq war 1 and 2 - general war between West and Muslims
15 Plotting war by the west against Iran and China (neocons such as Wolfowitz and also Greenspan).

Well, yes, but like the Masonic/drug thread, I think you are missing the point. The jews gave them money and financed them, but, all of these wars were started by the Christian powers who leaned on the Jews for money. Its kind of like The Merchant of Venice. The Rothchilds for example actually held back money in alot of instances when western powers wanted to start wars or prolong them. And the Rothschilds essentially created modern banking, the stock market, bonds, commodities markets. They were interested in a Western financial market between all countries.

Hence the jews, who were forced into lending money, as no respectable christian was allowed in the dark and middle ages, always became the scapegoat. If a Christian leader wanted to fight a war, or lost the war due to lack of resources, etc, the jews were the perfect people to blame.

Financed Julius Caesar? No! This is absolute lunacy and totally wrong! Pompey not only conquered the East and Jerusalem, but he controlled all of the Eastern provinces and their revenues, with which, he eventually fought and lost to Caesar. Caesar got much of his wealth from his conquest in Gaul--which he immediately spent.

Financed Alexander? First, there are only seven remaining ancient accounts of Alexander, and like the Gospels they have all been written long after Alexander's death. I think you are confusing the jews with the Egyptians. He knelt before Egyptian priests, who pronounced him a god. And the Greeks if anything were influenced by the East and the Indians in regards to philosophy. In addition, the Greeks were the capitalists of the ancient world--the jews probably learned from them as they were a tribe of little consequence at the time.

Did you read: book about the Rothschilds I recommended in either this thread or a pervious thread?

I really think you are prone to believing alot of these idiotic conspiracy theories, and you are somewhat ignorant to thinking critically in regards to history.
well, here's the thing on this, there are some people [i'm not saying names] that appear to be just opening a thread picking a random person and just agreeing with that random person's opinion even though it's noticeable that they don't know shit about the subject [the threads where every single fucking post contains a quote from a previous post] Norsemaiden is NOT doing this, she's actually read some books containing info that's relavant to the subject of this thread, so, even if the books she's read are filled with inaccurate info [i'm not saying they are] then, i still got to applaud Norsemaiden for actually reading books instead of being one of those comepletely illiterate people that think that they know every fucking thing that there is to know because they some how managed to remember a tiny fraction of the fucking bullcrap that they teach you in highschool
i think that there's the possibility that some of the books Norsemaiden is reading might be totally fucking crap but i still stand by what i said above
speed said:
Well, yes, but like the Masonic/drug thread, I think you are missing the point. The jews gave them money and financed them, but, all of these wars were started by the Christian powers who leaned on the Jews for money. Its kind of like The Merchant of Venice. The Rothchilds for example actually held back money in alot of instances when western powers wanted to start wars or prolong them. And the Rothschilds essentially created modern banking, the stock market, bonds, commodities markets. They were interested in a Western financial market between all countries.

Hence the jews, who were forced into lending money, as no respectable christian was allowed in the dark and middle ages, always became the scapegoat. If a Christian leader wanted to fight a war, or lost the war due to lack of resources, etc, the jews were the perfect people to blame.

Financed Julius Caesar? No! This is absolute lunacy and totally wrong! Pompey not only conquered the East and Jerusalem, but he controlled all of the Eastern provinces and their revenues, with which, he eventually fought and lost to Caesar. Caesar got much of his wealth from his conquest in Gaul--which he immediately spent.

Financed Alexander? First, there are only seven remaining ancient accounts of Alexander, and like the Gospels they have all been written long after Alexander's death. I think you are confusing the jews with the Egyptians. He knelt before Egyptian priests, who pronounced him a god. And the Greeks if anything were influenced by the East and the Indians in regards to philosophy. In addition, the Greeks were the capitalists of the ancient world--the jews probably learned from them as they were a tribe of little consequence at the time.

Did you read: book about the Rothschilds I recommended in either this thread or a pervious thread?

I really think you are prone to believing alot of these idiotic conspiracy theories, and you are somewhat ignorant to thinking critically in regards to history.

Well it's all subjective, and that's your opinion. A lot of what I have found is anecdotal or circumstantial evidence, but people have been convicted on far less than this.

At the time of Alexander, every Greek city had a Jewish quarter - why? At the time of Julius Caesar, there was a Jewish quarter in Rome - why?
Julius Caesar had massive debts and part of the reason for his expedition into Gaul was to repay his debts and get access to blonde slaves that were in much demand. Whos tradition is it to control the slave trade? Whos tradition is it to control international finance?
When Caesar Augustus shouted "they wear black and call themselves Romans!" who could he possibly be referring to? (Unnamed individuals were undermining the empire.)

In medieval times, no Christian king would dare make a move upon the Jews because he knew they were advisers to other Christian kings and could convince them to go to war. Spain was divided by the Jewish money lenders for 700 years, while the country was taken over by the Muslims. Castile, Aragon ,Leon and Astorius were always at war with eachother until they got a ruler who sussed out the Jewish problem: Queen Isabella. She had to agitate for decades with no finance, because she wouldn't compromise with the Jews. Eventually, through her determination and love of her people, the Jews were finally expelled in 1492, and Spain embarked upon its golden age.

As to the Jews being forced to be moneylenders - that was a lucky break! Especially when most Anglosaxons were living in pig pens!

Funilly enough, Alexander circumed to multiracialism. I wonder whos idea that was? And forced all the Greeks to marry Asians. The Greek race was changed forever, and a generation later Greece was destroyed and absorbed by Rome. The Greeks have never had any historical significance since.
Norsemaiden said:
Well it's all subjective, and that's your opinion. A lot of what I have found is anecdotal or circumstantial evidence, but people have been convicted on far less than this.

At the time of Alexander, every Greek city had a Jewish quarter - why? At the time of Julius Caesar, there was a Jewish quarter in Rome - why?
Julius Caesar had massive debts and part of the reason for his expedition into Gaul was to repay his debts and get access to blonde slaves that were in much demand. Whos tradition is it to control the slave trade? Whos tradition is it to control international finance?
When Caesar Augustus shouted "they wear black and call themselves Romans!" who could he possibly be referring to? (Unnamed individuals were undermining the empire.)

In medieval times, no Christian king would dare make a move upon the Jews because he knew they were advisers to other Christian kings and could convince them to go to war. Spain was divided by the Jewish money lenders for 700 years, while the country was taken over by the Muslims. Castile, Aragon ,Leon and Astorius were always at war with eachother until they got a ruler who sussed out the Jewish problem: Queen Isabella. She had to agitate for decades with no finance, because she wouldn't compromise with the Jews. Eventually, through her determination and love of her people, the Jews were finally expelled in 1492, and Spain embarked upon its golden age.

As to the Jews being forced to be moneylenders - that was a lucky break! Especially when most Anglosaxons were living in pig pens!

Funilly enough, Alexander circumed to multiracialism. I wonder whos idea that was? And forced all the Greeks to marry Asians. The Greek race was changed forever, and a generation later Greece was destroyed and absorbed by Rome. The Greeks have never had any historical significance since.

This is all nonsense except the part about Isabella. WHat you forgot to add, is that once the Spanish kicked out their jews, they went to the rest of Europe, where, they were pivotal to the rise of the rest of Europe. Every history prof will tell you kicking out the jews, led to the decline of the Spanish empire. And god, I wouldnt exactly say what the Spanish did after the jews, was anything to wax nostalgic about.

You have totally unfounded claims about the Romans and the Greeks. You need to read a history book, or some of the classics. The jews had little to no influence in the CLassical world until after Christ and the diaspora. The Romans and Greeks were slave traders for godsakes, not the Jews. The jews were poor backwater people with no influence at all until long after Christ.

This is total nonsense in regards to the ancients Norsemaiden. I dont mind calling you out on it. And your claims about the rest of history, miss the point.

Comments like these, are why people are not going to take you seriously. Where are you getting some of this stuff?
Okay now! Understandably no one is convinced by apparant "far right" or "revisionist" sources - so we'll leave them far away and get to some people's opinions on the Jews who are nothing like that at all! (There are plently more where this came from.)

SPINOZA, BARUCH 17th century Jewish philosopher

Spinoza was peculiarly well-qualified to address himself to the subject of "Hebrew hatred": as a result of a spat with the rabbis, he was drummed out of his synagogue and condemned to death. As in the similar case of Uriel D'Acosta, Jewry was not necessarily a friend to freedom of thought and tolerance during this period of supposed fiendish religious persecution by Christians.

QUOTE: "The love of the Hebrews for their country was not only patriotism but also piety, and was cherished and nurtured by daily rites until, like their hatred of other nations, it was absolutely perverse (as it very well might be, considering that they were a peculiar people and entirely apart from the rest). Such daily reprobation naturally gave rise to a lasting hatred, deeply implanted in the heart: for of all hatred, none is more deep and tenacious than that which springs from extreme devoutness or piety, and is itself cherished as pious."
From "Tractatus theologico-politicus".

GIBBON, EDWARD (from "History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire")

"From the reign of Nero to that of Antoninus Pius, the Jews discovered a fierce impatience of the dominion of Rome, which repeatedly broke out in the most furious massacres and insurrections. Humanity is shocked at the recital of the horrid cruelties which they committed in the cities of Egypt, of Cyprus, and of Cyrene, where they dwelt in treacherous friendship with the unsuspecting natives... In Cyrene they massacred 220,000 Greeks; in Cyprus 240,000; in Egypt, a very great multitude. Many of these unhappy victims were sawed asunder, according to a precedent to which David had given the sanction of his example. The victorious Jews devoured the flesh, licked the blood, and twisted the entrails like a girdle around their bodies."

The next quote is from a famous Russian anarchist at the time of the Russian Revolution.

"Marx is a Jew and is surrounded by a crowd of little, more or less intelligent, scheming, agile, speculating Jews, just as Jews are everywhere, commercial and banking agents, writers, politicians, correspondents for newspapers of all shades; in short, literary brokers, just as they are financial brokers, with one foot in the bank and the other in the socialist movement, and their arses sitting upon the German press. They have grabbed hold of all newspapers, and you can imagine what a nausiating literature is the outcome of it.

"Now this entire Jewish world, which constitutes an exploiting sect, a people of leeches, a voracious parasite, closely and intimately connected with one another, regardless not only of frontiers but of political differences as well - this Jewish world is today largely at the disposal of Marx or Rothschild. I am sure that, on the one hand, the Rothschilds appreciate the merits of Marx, and that on the other hand, Marx feels an instinctive inclination and a great respect for the Rothschilds. This may seem strange. What could there be in common between communism and high finance? Ho ho! The communism of Marx seeks a strong state centralization, and where this exists there must inevitably exist a state central bank, and where this exists, there the parasitic Jewish nation, which speculates upon the labor of the people, will always find the means for its existence....

In reality, this would be for the proletariat a barrack regime, under which the working men and the working women, converted into a uniform mass, would rise, fall asleep, work and live at the beat of the drum; the privilege of ruling would be in the hands of the skilled and the learned, with a wide scope left for profitable crooked deals carried on by the Jews, who would be attracted by the enormous extension of the international speculations of the national banks." (From "Polemique contre les Juifs").

This startling piece of prediction is particularly impressive to those who have observed the Soviet scene and noticed its strange relationship with capitalist financiers - overwhelmingly Jewish - since the revolution. The line runs from Olof Aschberg, self-described "Bolshevik banker" who ferried to Trotsky the huge sums raised for the revolution by financiers in Europe and America, to Armand Hammer in the 1970s, who specialised in multimillion-dollar trade concessions with the supposedly "anti-semite" commissars.
You have totally unfounded claims about the Romans and the Greeks. You need to read a history book, or some of the classics. The jews had little to no influence in the CLassical world until after Christ and the diaspora. The Romans and Greeks were slave traders for godsakes, not the Jews. The jews were poor backwater people with no influence at all until long after Christ.

Exactly,i have to agree with speed here,as you have told before,governments brainwash even its own people,there remains only opsion for me to recommend you that,"find a neutral source of history to be schooled about simple historical facts.

I also agree that jews have clownish beliefs just as being most imperial and smart,but if you put all of humananity blames on only "jews",a neutral, clear mind may only pity you.
DISRAELI, BENJAMIN 19th century - Prime Minister of Britain (Jewish).

"Do you think that the quiet humdrum persecution of a decorous representative of an English universily can crush those who have successively baffled the Pharaohs, Nebuchadnezzar, Rome and the Feudal ages?...And, at this moment, in spite of centuries, of tens of centuries, of degradation, the Jewish mind excercises a vast influence on the affairs of Europe. I speak not of their laws, which you still obey; of their literature, with which your minds are saturated; but of the living Hebrew intellect.

You never observe a great intellectual movement in Europe in which the Jews do not greatly participate. The first Jesuits were Jews; that mysterious Russian diplomacy which so alarms Western Europe is organised and principally carried on by Jews; that mighty revolution which is at this moment preparing in Germany, and which will be, in fact, a second and greater Reformation, and of which so little is as yet known in England, is entirely developing under the auspices of Jews, who almost monopolise the professional chairs of Germany." [This is a reference to Marxism].

"A few years back we were applied to by Russia. Now, there has been no friendship between the court of St Petersburg and my family. It has Dutch connections, which have generally supplied it; and our representations in favour of the Polish Hebrews, a numerous race, have not been very agreeable to the Czar. However, circumstances drew to an approximation between the Romanoffs and the Sidonias. I resolved to go myself to St Petersburg. I had, on my arrival, an interview with the Russian minister of Finance, Count Cancrin; I beheld the son of a Lithuanian Jew. The loan was connected with the affairs of Spain; I resolved upon repairing to Spain from Russia. I travelled without intermission. I had an audience immediately upon my arrival with the Spanish minister, Senor Mendizabel; I beheld one like myself, the son of a Nuevo Cristiano, a Jew of Arragon. In consequence of what transpired at Madrid, I went straight to Paris to consult the President of the French council; I beheld the son of a French Jew, a hero, an imperial marshal, and very properly so, for who should be military heroes if not those who worship the Lord of Hosts?

"The consequence of our consultations was that some Northern power should be applied to in a friendly wayand mediative capacity. We fixed on Prussia; the President of the Council made an application to the Prussian Minister, who attended a few days after on our conference. Count Arnim entered the cabinet, and I beheld a Prussian Jew. So, you see, my dear Coningsby, that the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.

"The influence of the Jews may be traced in the last outbreak of the destructive principle in Europe. An insurrection takes place against tradition and aristocracy, against religion and property. Destruction of the Semitic principle, extirpation of the Jewish religion, whether in the Mosaic or the Christian form, the natural equality of man and the abrogation of property, are proclaimed by the secret societies who form provisional governments, and men of Jewish race are found at the head of every one of them. The people of God co-operate with Atheists;the most skilful accumulators of property ally themselves with Communists; the peculiar and chosen race touch the hand of all the scum and low castes of Europe; and all this because they wish to destroy that ungrateful Chrisendom which owes to them even its name."
(From "Lord George Bentinck, a Political Biography" written by B Disraeli)
Norsemaiden: none of these quotes validate any of your previous historical claims, because there is no evidence to support such nonsense.

What is it about the jews that frigthens you so much? Their tribal (help each other out) nature (which I think most are jealous of, including me)? Their love of finance (a occupation they were pushed into by Christians)? Their exotic good looks?
speed said:
Norsemaiden: none of these quotes validate any of your previous historical claims, because there is no evidence to support such nonsense.

What is it about the jews that frigthens you so much? Their tribal (help each other out) nature (which I think most are jealous of, including me)? Their love of finance (a occupation they were pushed into by Christians)? Their exotic good looks?

Did you read the Gibbon quote of the horrific things that the Jews did to the gentiles that had generously allowed them to live amongst them? You will no doubt think it barmy of me, but it is that kind of thing that scares me. I doubt that they are drinking the blood of our children in the modern day, because of knowledge about diseases and the fact that the police force and communication methods make this hard. Although there is evidence I have heard briefly, and immediately suppressed, involving sexual abuse of orphans both abroad and in this country. I heard on the radio (Radio Leicester) during a scandal about sex abuse in childrens homes that an extremely high ranking Jew who was head of an important Jewish orgainisation, also a magistrate and also a Labour politician (the man was all these things simultaneously which is in itself a scandal) that the gentile taking the rap for the abuse said he regularly procured kids for said man. (I will say his name and the name of the organisation if you can assure me it won't lead to libel prosecution). I don't require that anyone believes what I just said, but I am explaining my fear, and that is what I can ask that you believe in.

As I have previously mentioned, I fear that we will be manipulated into fighting wars on their behalf, with harm to us and benefit to Israel. I don't advocate fighting the jews only non cooperation with their schemes and manipulations.

Another fear - why we can't fight them anyway - their power is too far reaching by now. See Disraeili's quote on how Jews are in powerful positions of influence globally. And they run nearly all of the media in the west. If a party they don't like is elected to power they use sanctions and would agitate a war if needed. They control our food supply and can starve us as they did when they starved the ancient Egyptians (at the time of Joseph in the bible, when they controled grain stocks), they control our water supplies and are historically reknowned poisoners, they are the captains of nuclear submarines, and it is my personal (mad paranoid) theory that they have set up nuclear power stations so they can blow up the reactors if they meet with sufficient resistance. Oh, yes and when they first tested the nuclear reaction some scientists feared that it could set fire to earth's atmosphere. The Nazis could have used nuclear weapons, but Hitler said it wasn't worth the risk. But such is the Jew's destructive cruel and reckless hatred and thirst for power, they decided it should go ahead regardless of risk.
I do hesitate to put this, but it will at least entertain you guys: some scientists believe that if you collide a particle of gold and a particle of lead together fast enough (like light speed) it will result in one of 3 things.
1 A black hole that could suck the Earth into it
2 A sort of bubble which deletes everything and expands indefinately
3 A "stranglet" which would freeze the oceans of Earth completely

If they've got no hope of winning they would rather do this than let us be free of them.
:loco: yeah right! = your thoughts right now
EphelDuath said:
The jews were poor backwater people with no influence at all until long after Christ.

APION Leader of anti-Jewish forces in Alexandria, First century A.D. He called Moses "nothing but a seducer and a wizard". Jews in the imperial court at Rome managed to have Apion executed, by order of Emperor Commodus.

APOLLONIUS MOLO Rhetorician at Rhodes, First c. B.C.
He taught Cicero and Caesar. Wrote a book on the Jewish question branding Moses a charlatan whose laws were full of iniquity against non-Jews. Said: "The Jews are the enemies of all mankind. They have invented nothing useful, and they are brutal." Widely admired by Greco-Roman writers.

From "Contra Apion" by Josephus
Norsemaiden, I dont think Jews are problem nor the influence of many things in todays world. Nor really are fundamentalist Muslims in my opinion.

The REAL problem is a mix of extremist capitalism and fundamentalist Christianity. Come to think of it, one could almost say that modern capitalism is a by-product of Christianity anyway.

One thing after another has created the issues we have today. Don't get me wrong, I dont support organised religion, let alone fundamentalist organised religion.

But the more that time goes on, I start to slowly (and somewhat hesistantly) feel sorry for the "true" Muslims, for like the Vikings, they are also Heathen.

Throughout history, the most extreme violence seems to have always come about under Christian rule and Christian assimilation of other races and cultures.

Christianity is more guilty of this than Islam in my opinion.

Islam has not gone out of it's way to destroy other cultures and it's own kind as Christianity has. Yes, it has assimilated, but on a minor scale in comparison to that of Christianity.

Take for example the case of the Cathars at Montségur: Christians themselves, but dualists, and for that, persecuted and wiped out by their own fellow Christians, the Catholic church and it's Knights of the Templar. Women and children, elders, all burnt inside the fort for being Christians themselves! Killed by their own kind for being their own kind!

Even science has been assimilated by Christianity - once scorned in the time of ancient Alexandria, scientists and scholars were raped and killed by Christian Brotherhoods stamping the authority of Jesus Christ over everything in their path. They even scraped the skin off a gifted female mathematician of the time, and her crime was that of being a mathematician. Now Christianity uses science more than anyone else in their capitalistic rule.

The list of Christian attrocity goes on and on, even to that of Damien Echols, who sits in jail this very day as a result of a modern day witch-hunt made pubicly acceptable by the blinding disgust of Christian capitalism for a crime he never committed.

No offence, but I find your anti-Jewish statement utterly ridiculous and sickeningly extreme right-wing.

I cannot agree with your arguement. Race has little importance in todays violence than that of the ongoing religious war of centuries. It is now simply raising its head once more to provide another chapter in an already bloody history.

A Norsemaiden you are, be proud to be as such, and not display oneself as the same mental stock of Varg Vikernes and his stupidly disgusting racist kind.

Extremism is a distortion and refraction of clarity, so I say, seek the true clarity. National Socialistic comments aren't showing your true intelligence.

Respectfully, H
The Jewish power is stronger now than it ever was. One benefit you will at least get from reading what I have written is an insight into how millions of Muslims see the Jews. They don't have the same blinkers on as westerners do (on this particular subject). Also in Japan these ideas are widespread, as there was a best-selling book with a title like "Understand Judaism, understand the World", which was about how vital it is to know what the Jews are up to.
Most westerners don't know how to recognise them by their names, appearance and the things they predictably say and do. I recognise them and I see them dominating all discussions on the TV, etc.

Some more ancient quotes for those who doubt their early influence:

CICERO (Marcus Tullius Cicero) First c. B.C. Roman statesman, writer.

"Softly! Softly! I want none but the judges to hear me. The Jews have already gotten me into a fine mess, as they have many another gentleman. I have no desire to furnish further grist for their mills." (Oration in Defense of Flaccus).

Cicero was serving as defense counsel at the trial of one Flaccus, a Roman official who interfered with Jewish gold shipments to their international headquarters (then as now) in Jerusalem. For someone of the stature of Cicero to have to speak "softly" shows he was in the presence of a dangerously powerful sphere of influence. In which case one wonders who was persecuting who.

CLAUDIUS first century A.D. Roman emperor
In trying to deal with political turbulence and anti-Roman subversion at Alexandria, he forbade officials there "to introduce or invite Jews who sail down to Alexandria from Syria or Egypt, thus compelling me to conceive the greatest suspicion; otherwise I will by all means take vengeance on them as formenting a general plague on the whole world". (Epistolae).

THE EGYPTIAN PAPYRUS. This ancient documentof unknown age contains a cautionary phrase: "Beware of the Jews!" (Aegyptische Urkunden).

MANETHO Third c. B.C. Egyptian priest and historian.
Wrote that Jews were decendants of the hated Hyskos usurpers and that they had spread leprosy and venereal disease in Egypt. Maintained that Jews had been expelled for their power-grabbing.

To get away from accusations of racism, I include a quote from MALCOLM X 20th century black leader
"Among all other ethnic groups, his [the Jew's] expressed thinking, his expressed concerns, are the most subjective. And the Jew is usually hypersensitive... You can't even say 'Jew' without him accusing you of anti-Semitism. I don't care what the Jew is professionally, doctor, merchant, housewife, student, or whatever - first he, or she, thinks Jew. (Autobiography)
Jews are the evil of the world, and are probably responsible for chicken pox, AIDS and Teletubbies.

Thread closed.
*temporarily closed*

Edit: This thread has been re-opened, following the resolution of the above issue. I saw no reason to leave it permanently closed, if anyone disagrees then feel free to PM myself or speed.

Final_Product said:
*temporarily closed*

Edit: This thread has been re-opened, following the resolution of the above issue. I saw no reason to leave it permanently closed, if anyone disagrees then feel free to PM myself or speed.


Should it be closed though? It is turning into a Jew-bashing thread, that wasnt the reason it was posted. Its getting rather absurd o_O
Danallica said:
Danish Journo said. When Life of Brian came out how much was there a Christain outcry around the world because of the movies content. Its ok to have a go at christians but as soon as you poke fun at Muslims then all of a sudden its a big fucken fiasco - they are rioting all over the world because of a cartoon, i mean for fucks sake, they are nut cases.

By the way i really like Life of Brian - one of the best movies ever!!

I completely agree their religion does not have special privileges to bar it from satire, and satire is all that these cartoons are. So there religion says no public displays of Muhammed, so what? All religions don't like their prophets to be betrayed negatively.The extremists even say they won't stop until they have the severed heads of those responsible which is absolutely absurd. The sooner the middle-east can get out of the oppression of States governed by Islam fundamentalists the better.
J Mann said:
I completely agree their religion does not have special privileges to bar it from satire, and satire is all that these cartoons are. So there religion says no public displays of Muhammed, so what? All religions don't like their prophets to be betrayed negatively.The extremists even say they won't stop until they have the severed heads of those responsible which is absolutely absurd. The sooner the middle-east can get out of the oppression of States governed by Islam fundamentalists the better.
no one torches any buildings every time or anyone else makes fun of Jesus or Buddha so i think that the united nations or the european union or who ever should be able to deal out some sort of punishment for all those burned down buildings
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