My Sporadic Update Thread

Doomcifer said:
Bon Iver - For Emma, Forever Ago

D00d, you recommended him THAT? It's pretty much the most forlorn thing ever. (I only recently discovered that it's pronounced "bon ee-VER." Others: Portishead (port-uh-sheed) and GZA (jizz-uh).

Doomcifer said:
Talk Talk - Spirit of Eden/Laughing Stock

I've been revisiting these a lot lately. For some reason I prefer The Colour Of Spring though. I definitely think it fits the purposes of this thread.

As far as the "listen to happy music" thing goes, color me dubious. If I'm down, that's the LAST fucking thing I want to hear.
Long time. Hope everyone is doing well. Had to drop off the face of the internets for a while. Trying to get some shit straight. I've popped in to read some stuff, but never stayed for more than a few minutes.

The therapy thing went well for a while. I found out I despise people/crowds, have no empathy, am a bit of a sadist, and basically would probably be a serial killer if I didn't have my kids to keep me going. I am never allowed to own a gun, per my therapist and wife. I've been put on anti depressant/anxiety medicine indefinitely. But really, it helped. My marriage is definitely stronger (which means tons of poon and the meds make you last like a champ!), and I am a much better father.

Sadly, a lot of the metal that I touted in the past has been put away for the time being. I mostly focus on clean vocalled metal and the classics. I still buy some black/death stuff, but those purchases are few and far between and thoroughly researched. The last one was Ruins of Beverast, which is great stuff. Albums from Judas Priest, Maiden, Sabbath, Blind Guardian, Dream Theater, Threshold, and Savatage occupy most of my listening time these days. I'll still pull out Graveland, Amon Amarth, and Enslaved on occasion. I tried my hand at prog rock, but it didn't take. That shit sucks.

Looking for a new job is no fun, but it's a necessity for my goals. The kids and the wife are doing great. Daycare is expensive as hell, but manageable.

Anyway, have a great turkey day and Christmas. Cheers.

I guess you never fully realized the therapeutic value of continuing to post on the internets :p
J.: I just came across this thread for the first time. I feel like we go way back, so I thought I'd post for the first time in a while.

I was in a similar situation as you before moving back to the family farm and becoming my own boss. Unfortunately that isn't an option for very many people (becoming your own boss). I saw Erik had similar issues with hating his job/path-in-life in a different thread. For me, the change from a job/life that I hated to what I am doing now made a HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE difference on my depression and anxiety. I actually used to close my eyes while driving home from work just to see if I would be able to kill myself in a car wreck. I was too much of a whimp to do it for very long, though. Anyway, if you can possibly figure out something that will make you happy and make a living for your family, I think your life will improve WAY more than you'd expect.

By the way, I also have 2 kids now.
Does anyone here still have Jeff's mailing address? This guy was a large part of this forum for so many years. I want to send him a best wishes card, or something gay like that.
Hola guys,

Hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Years. Hope all of you are still metalling it up these days. So who got married, turned gay, got divorced, had kids or hasnt gotten laid? Moose still a virgin? Has Erik metamorphosed into a full blown emo guy? lurch still saying slayer and soulfly are releasing classic material? Jerry still a racist or is he dating a black chick now?

Anyway, things here pretty much blow megalithic ballsweat. I hate my job. HATE! But I am looking for something more steady as far as income and schedule go. Of course that stuff puts a strain on a marriage, but we're hanging on. I have not cheated on her, though I've had ample opportunities. I'd really like it to work, and I think it will. It all hinges on finding a good job. The kids are doing great, of course they're oblivious to all the problems.

Not much else going on. I've turned to stealing a lot of CDs from a chain. It's fun in a way and gives a bit of a rush. Yeah, it's simple and childish, but it gives me a boner (not really). The money I make from selling them pays for my own purchases through eBay or wherever. I pretty much financed her Christmas through stolen merchandise, even "buying" a $1300 surround sound system for $250 cash. Stealing stuff from Wal-Mart is very easy and I have no guilt taking from that greed machine.

As far as music listening, I gave up on trying to listen to softer shit and went back to real metal. I've learned to like early Judas Priest. I've re-bought a lot of stuff I had to sell over the years. Buying expensive CDs is really no problem these days because it's funded by 100% profit. I haven't kept up with newer metal, so I couldn't tell you what some good 2012 releases were.

So I hope that everyone has a great 2013. Till next time.

:lol: @ the Walmart bit, that fucking rules.

I got married and found a job I love. Lost a bit of weight. Otherwise I'm the same idiot.
Haha awesome update!

Im still the same wonderful, sweet man. Nothing ever changes.

Ok, we need an update from Lurch now
Hey guys, thought I'd drop in to see if there was talk about Hannemann, and sure enough. I have never been a Slayer fan (Hell Awaits being the only one I liked enough), but there's no doubt that it sucks. Seemed like a good enough fella.

I found a new job that I like. Just waiting to take a test so I can officially start. I pass, I stay. I fail, I'm gone. So I've been studying the past month. Though I've been offered other jobs, I really dig the people, location, potential, and future opportunities.

Hope everyone's doing well. I might try to start posting more, since I have a bit more time, and things are starting to get better around here. Hopefully within a month or two, things are well on their way to being bliss again. Paying off a car and having one kid going to FREE public education means a PHAT raise come the end of this month. It's been a long, hard road to get to this point, but we've stuck together. I know I sound emo, but 2012 sucked a major dick and I almost moved out. By the end of June, I'm hoping things have chilled and we're good.

Cheers to all.