Nazi's or Aztecs?


Mar 17, 2006
Am starting my AS levels (Further Education for 16 - 17 year olds) for countries that call the courses different names.

Doing Maths (Pure and Mechanics), Physics (Mostly early quatam), Chemisty(mix) but am torn apart for taking weather to take History or Ancient History as a more fun and slightly easier subject.

If take History its choice between nazi Geramny and British Monacrhy(pretty boring and alot of dates to remeber in this monarchy one). For Ancient History its abit of Aztecs and Mayans, seeing as all know about them in what iv played as a young lad on Age of Empires and that film that braveheart dude made :Smug:.

Any advice from the univirsified hisotirans and archeologists, or just keen readers :)
Thats a weird choice you have... where are you from?

I'd choose the nazi germany and english monarchy thing... I would be very interested in learning about pre-columbian america but the fact of the matter is that, unless you're from a latin american country, knowing these ancient american civilisations won't be of much use to you, whereas knowing your shit in WW2 and english monarchy would be... as they are deemed more important to know about when it comes to culture. To give a stupid example, if you go on a TV show where you gotta answer cultural lessons, you are more likely to fall on questions about english monarchy than on questions about the maya civilisation :p (at least thats the case in france)

But if you don't care about that, choose which one you'd prefer studying.. i personnally find the nazi "mythology" (as we call it) very interesting... monarchy issues bore the shit out of me though.

On the other hand, you can choose what you know the least about, in that case i'd take precolumbian america because i hardly know anything about it and it would surely interest me. OR you could chose the subject you already know better so that it'll give you an advantage if you want better grades.
Yeah, I agree with Celtic. You will get way more use of nazi Germany, both in terms of work and in terms of just general interest, than any of those other ones, unless you want to be an archaeologist or anthropologist here in North America. Then the Aztec and Maya thing is very good to have (read: important). If you just want to sail along and not put too much effort into the subjects, then stay away from British monarchs (lots of dates and names that are all the same followed by numbers impossible to remember unless you're like me - really into it). Nazis are much easier to remember and easier to interpret. Good luck trying to remember and pronounce Aztec or Inca names, but they're very interesting cultures to study and they also explain a lot about the Americas today. That's my two cents.
Don't start off the school year by misspelling quantum if you want to impress your teacher! ;) What a fricking interesting (although difficult) subject - I hope you enjoy it. I know I did...
I just did a semester of ancient European history ... very weird that we spent most of our time talking about the Arabic peninsula and Egypt... the rise of Mesopotamia, Babylon, Chaldean, Assyrian... it got interesting when we reached the early age of Greece and their war with Persia.
I am also taking a class in pre-columbian civilizations and anthropology this semester coupled with philosophy... fun stuff, at least much better than math .... I know we can get a course in modern war here, such as Vietnam ... but seen from a US perspective and I wonder what is being covered in a non-biased way.
I just did a semester of ancient European history ... very weird that we spent most of our time talking about the Arabic peninsula and Egypt... the rise of Mesopotamia, Babylon, Chaldean, Assyrian... it got interesting when we reached the early age of Greece and their war with Persia.
I am also taking a class in pre-columbian civilizations and anthropology this semester coupled with philosophy... fun stuff, at least much better than math .... I know we can get a course in modern war here, such as Vietnam ... but seen from a US perspective and I wonder what is being covered in a non-biased way.
I don't think there is such a thing yet. It seems to all be written either by the US war machine, the US troops or by the communist propaganda machine. There are some Aussie troops that have written books, too, but those are few and far between (although very interestig, since they're neither American nor Chinese). I know I searched a lot when I was in Europe, because I thought there might be something written by an European "outsider", but even then there wasn't much and what there was, was skewed.
Not all courses are taught by propaganda machines, and a truly academic professor who has integrity would know what sources to use and not use - and most importantly, give facts and opinions from the highest minds in the fields of (insert subject here) as unbiased as humanly possible.

For an example, any class on Vietnam that is not tinged with a GOP/Christian fundamentalist bias will tell you exactly why the war was lost (or at least agree on the certain variables that would contribute to it),the treatment of the many soldiers on the return home and within the states, the lasting economic and political effects, and the current state of presidential/congressional/military power within the nation.

People forget that this country is not a true democracy (and exceedingly huge in comparison with Europe), and the actions of our elected leaders do not accurately represent the many many different types of peoples that live within this nation.
Not all courses are taught by propaganda machines, and a truly academic professor who has integrity would know what sources to use and not use - and most importantly, give facts and opinions from the highest minds in the fields of (insert subject here) as unbiased as humanly possible.

For an example, any class on Vietnam that is not tinged with a GOP/Christian fundamentalist bias will tell you exactly why the war was lost (or at least agree on the certain variables that would contribute to it),the treatment of the many soldiers on the return home and within the states, the lasting economic and political effects, and the current state of presidential/congressional/military power within the nation.

People forget that this country is not a true democracy (and exceedingly huge in comparison with Europe), and the actions of our elected leaders do not accurately represent the many many different types of peoples that live within this nation.

Do not worry, I do not forget that...a country where the writers from American Dad and Family guy were raised cannot be lost at all:)
I think one of the best ways I can put it to the European folks is... Imagine what it would be like if the EU was actually in charge of everything. Now, admittedly the US is homogenized linguistically, and the cultural homogenization is ongoing (I'm speaking more of regional culture then I am of ethnic/nationality culture), but the general principle of there being way to many people to represent properly is there.
I think one of the best ways I can put it to the European folks is... Imagine what it would be like if the EU was actually in charge of everything. Now, admittedly the US is homogenized linguistically, and the cultural homogenization is ongoing (I'm speaking more of regional culture then I am of ethnic/nationality culture), but the general principle of there being way to many people to represent properly is there.

Sorry, i dont understand what are you trying to say
I'm more interested in ancient civilizations, but I admit that studying "modern" history can give you more opportunities. I like history myself, but didn't study it as main subject. I got some history courses in my law studies. History of law is quite interesting, especially if it includes non-western law systems too. Unfortunately we didn't get a course on the law of the mighty Vikings...
I think one of the best ways I can put it to the European folks is... Imagine what it would be like if the EU was actually in charge of everything. Now, admittedly the US is homogenized linguistically, and the cultural homogenization is ongoing (I'm speaking more of regional culture then I am of ethnic/nationality culture), but the general principle of there being way to many people to represent properly is there.

I didn't really understand everything you were trying to say either, but i can tell you that the EU is a fucking fuck up (if i may).
The EU gradually takes away all thats left of sovereinty to each EU member state. The problem with this is that a EU country, lets say France, can only change an international, immigration or economical law if its accepted by the European commission. Say an electoral candidate makes a few promises before the election, once he's in office he goes "oh, sorry, the EU refused to grant me the power to hold my promise.. oh well, i tried!". Thats what the last president (Chirac) shat to our faces, saying he'd lower some taxes for certain shops and eventually couldn't because of the EU. Also, the EU gradually exports French agriculture to Eastern European countries, the new EU members, and that includes wine! In terms of immigration, if one EU country legalises illegal immigrants, these immigrants become legal citizens in all EU countries and can walk around wherever they wish, which is a bother for the countries which are trying to lower the immigration rates (hence immigrants chose the "nicest" EU country to be legalised citizens, and then they go to the EU country they originally wanted to immigrate to... most victims of this are England, France and Germany).
So, in brief, if a EU country wants to put in a law which could make their economy grow, or help out the population in need, the OTHER european countries have to accept it, and they of course don't care much about the political problems in other countries.

Hence, the USA at least has some degree of sovereingty, it can at least decide what law is good for their economy without having other countries refuse it to them because they don't profit from it. (although i'm sure each state has restrictions towards the central government)

I'm against the EU, i think its a bother. I forgot the true numbers but France gives a contribution of 6 billion euros to the EU each year and only receives 2 billion (not sure of the numbers but its something like that). Loss of money. And i don't believe the EU helps France or England, or Germany or other already rich european countries. Its usefull to help the less rich european countries boost their economy, but i think its a drag for the richer ones because we pay for the "poorer" (i'm glad for them actually but the other disadvantages of the EU make it intollerable).
Most citizens of the EU in western europe, and the governments, will say that their country couldn't survive, or wouldn't be that rich, if it weren't for the EU. I say thats bullshit, and its the capitalist, globalist propaganda which puts this idea in people's mind so the EU is here to stay, and with that; their interests. Norway is a good example of how a non EU country can have a very rich population without being enslaved to the laws of Brussels and the EU bureaucrats.
In France, most victims of the EU are farmers, working class (who see their jobs leave to Eastern Europe or to cheaper immigrant labour, and who are victims of inflation caused by the EU cause we can't change laws to deal with it), people attached to their regional culture (cause EU = globalisation and conformism)..etc.. so its not surprising that these guys mostly vote for the nationalist party which is very anti-EU and rightfully so (in my humble opinion).

(sorry for that long post, i got caught up here :p but there are so many things to say, i even deleted a lot of what i wrote so it wasn't too long)
I guess the short and sweet version would be that you look at the US as one country. I look at it as a collection of separate states, with some definite regional differences. But I think we have similar ideas on how well governments that large function. I'm still an Anti-Federalist, hehe. I've got funny political ideas, so I try and keep them off here, most of the time.
You can't expect country like Poland make any contribution for a while, perhaps even a long while, in the meantime they'll be sucking in EU funds. Remember, countries like Poland are now where most western europe was after WWII in the 50's. Guess who helped rebuild economy (at least partially) after WWII, USA. Well, now it's time to help those countries that were abonded after WWII and left against their will under CCCP regime.

Of course, because of EU it's not all peachy in PL either. Hundreds of thousands skilled and/or educated work force left the country, leaving "wise guys" in charge. The long term prospects in my opinion are bleak, considering the country educates a person in hope of this person bettering the country in the future only to lose that individual to another country.

I'm against the EU, i think its a bother. I forgot the true numbers but France gives a contribution of 6 billion euros to the EU each year and only receives 2 billion (not sure of the numbers but its something like that). Loss of money. And i don't believe the EU helps France or England, or Germany or other already rich european countries. Its usefull to help the less rich european countries boost their economy, but i think its a drag for the richer ones because we pay for the "poorer" (i'm glad for them actually but the other disadvantages of the EU make it intollerable).
In France, most victims of the EU are farmers, working class (who see their jobs leave to Eastern Europe or to cheaper immigrant labour, and who are victims of inflation caused by the EU cause we can't change laws to deal with it), people attached to their regional culture (cause EU = globalisation and conformism)..etc.. so its not surprising that these guys mostly vote for the nationalist party which is very anti-EU and rightfully so (in my humble opinion)
Ah what a great world we live in, alas the gloom and doom is only beginning. I guess we can enjoy our freedom while it lasts.

I read an article on the skill polish workers leaving the country for Western EU. They used the example of a doctor who in Poland could hope to make 400-600$ a month, the same went to Sweden where he was making a few thousands a month.
The problem in these countries is that many are still thinking from a communist run state perspective.
PL and other countries are not in the era where people who go to university will gladly work for the good of the country by being paid minimal wages.
Sadly enough, that is far from preventing Western EU factories from laying of thousands and moving their factories to the East.

Germany has the opposite problem. They lack skilled workers, they have unemployment but not the people with the necessary skills for high end indutries. Europe in a few years will face a great population reversal/shortage. The only problem they will have to solve it, is to allow mass immigration ... oops I forgot, they will do just like in the US ... legalize the millions of illegals.
The french now being the US little puppets (tks to their new president) just came up with this blue card law proposal on immigration that is supposed to limit how one can enter the country and reside there. I think France is doing too much wayyyy too late, they are already in a hole from which they have no escape.
The next police states in Europe will be France and the UK (Uk is already a police state), with their close US-puppet toy status, I wouldn't be surprised.

As for my homeland of Belgium (107 days w/o a government).... the future looks gloomy indeed as I don't give the country 15 years before it splits in two. This will pave the way for other states to seek independence. A very sad country indeed, when I see signs in my neighbouring towns telling "belgian french get out" like we are some pariahs ... what the fuck is wrong with these people.

By that time, the US $ will be worth nothing vs the Euro and they will still be fighting their so-called war on terror (oil) in Iraq-Iran and probably some other country while in DC they will all be laughing at us. False promises of healthcare will only be a memory and the American Union will be in full swing while 12 millions mexicans will be given amnesty.
But it's ok, we all live with this false taste of freedom. Just let the gov take care of us and like cattle, lead us to the slaughter.
As long as we have football, soccer, beer, nice rims on the car,... we should be ok.
New Orleans will still not be reconstructed but who cares, as long as the oil flows.

Indeed, what a great fucking world we live in.
You can't expect country like Poland make any contribution for a while, perhaps even a long while, in the meantime they'll be sucking in EU funds. Remember, countries like Poland are now where most western europe was after WWII in the 50's. Guess who helped rebuild economy (at least partially) after WWII, USA. Well, now it's time to help those countries that were abonded after WWII and left against their will under CCCP regime.

Of course, because of EU it's not all peachy in PL either. Hundreds of thousands skilled and/or educated work force left the country, leaving "wise guys" in charge. The long term prospects in my opinion are bleak, considering the country educates a person in hope of this person bettering the country in the future only to lose that individual to another country.

Don't get me wrong though. I'm all for helping Eastern European countries develop their economy. If all european countries were as rich as Germany for example that would make one strong continent.
I'm all for helping every country in the world actually, africa, asia, middle east... if we have the money to do so.. cause that would help keep their population in their respective countries (sorry its not for humanist reasons).
I also know the US helped a lot to rebuild western european economy and i'm glad they did, even though they did that for their own interests... a powerful western europe is a stronger ally against the soviet union as i'm sure you know.

Belgar mentionned polish immigrants.. this reminds me of some "scandal". A year or two ago, politicians and others were making a whole debate about the "danger" of immigrant polish plumbers.. saying they'd be too many and steal the jobs of the french. Same thing about romanian immigrants. I found that rather appauling and hypocritical because they'd never dare say the same thing for african immigrants, although its obvious that african immigrants (who come in much larger numbers) don't only "steal" jobs and put pressure on lowing salaries, they also create social problems because many can't or aren't willing to assimilate into european society (unlike other europeans who are very easy to assimilate). But here people know they won't be called racist or xenophobic if they critisize european immigrants. how ridiculous.
And yeah, wooo, in france we got ourselves the new american puppet for president! By the way, the only reason why he won the election is that he stole some ideas from the nationalist party, now he's in office i highly doubt he'll actually apply those ideas he stole.
I'm saying this because i too sense that things will get very fucked up in the decades to come because of our lying, corrupt politicians, and increasing social problems with immigrants, the gradual loss of social advantages..etc... A few days ago, in Italy, hundreds and thousands of people signed petitions to ban dozens of corrupt politicians from the national assembly.
Unfortunately, although the countries are supposedly democratic, the governments do hold the media. Also, western european people today never fought for the freedom they enjoy, so the politicians can easilly manipulate the people who anyway like their comfort and don't feel like taking the streets.

@ Bates : yeah i see what you mean. Kind of comparable indeed.
Also, western european people today never fought for the freedom they enjoy, so the politicians can easilly manipulate the people who anyway like their comfort and don't feel like taking the streets.
I would disagree. Maybe you can watch the movie Germinal and see the story of how it was not so long ago. Where your great grand parents were just the tools of the companies ... and later led to the social revolution and rights of the workers. So yes, you could say that people have fought for their rights, but were their rights always taken in the right directions ... many have been mislead by those they chose to represent them. Unfortunatelly indeed, this social system is still the core of most Western Europeans countries where we now have whinny people who bitch and moan and go on strike every time they don't agree with something, hoping for "syndicats" to bail them out of their misery. I still think the social party in France as in Belgium and other countries is the biggest joke there is.
All of this is government controlled and indeed, nothing will change until we, the people, decide to take the streets again and make the changes ourselves.
Again, when we have parties that try to bring change, they are quickly shut down for such and such ideas that our good leaders find "extreme".

As for the US helping to rebuild Europe ... well that too, the US had stocked tons and tons of European gold during the war, btw the federal reserve is not even owned by the gov, it is owned by the banks ... and as you can see now, the US has printed so much money that the $ is literally worth nothing.
Anybody can print money, but when this money is not backed by anything, it does not help either.
Reminds me of the Greenbacks of later 1890's and the populist party.
Yeah well germinal is the end of the 19th century. What i meant is the 12 to 40 year old guys who lived in comfort all their lives (including me) and never fought for much except with these stupid syndicates who, indeed, bitch about everything. There was may '68 in France and Europe but i think people tend to give too much credit to these days. I heard that those supposedly "social revolutions" were as strong as the recent "anti-CPE" student rallies we had in France a year ago, which lasted about a month, and although the mobilisation was strong it wasn't what i call a strong fight for social rights and liberties. I participited in a counter rally cause these students were blocking universities and that annoyed me and others. We were 100 against 500 and we kicked their asses. They were weak. And apparently comparable to 1968 rallies.