"New" (2006) Q&A thread

A: always looking for the easy way to accomplish things (laziness),
see more often the negative side of things instead of the positive one

Keyy said:
A: I'm almost over my year in another country, and i'll do it again, even right now

You are an exchange student in the USA? i did that too (schoolyear 2004-05) , but the rotary sent me to a small town in Idaho, so it was kinda boring. there was nothing to do, and i was always dependant of other people to drive me somewhere because I couldnt pass my driver s licence...
So how are things going for you? lots of fun? Which organisation did you go with?
a: i quote sierra's 'quest for glory II': 'a friend in need is a friend indeed'.

q: how do you survive disappointment?
A: Then you are alone, and it's always good to have routine-friends. You can make fun of 'em all the time and if they hate you for that. Get a new one..

Q: Your longest realtionschip?