"New" (2006) Q&A thread

a: 5 months and a half, i think. but i wasn't really interested in that specific relationship so i'm forgetting the dates. thinking that the most important relationship in my life lasted about a month and a half makes me feel like a fucking idiot.

q: describe the person you fell most desperately in love with.
a: thinking completely out of the box while also thinking completely into the box. i think i've just summarized something i was never conscious of.

q: what is the role of this forum in your life?
A: He was a really strange and impetuous guy, who had a problem with letting people in, he studdered, was an organist in our towns cathedral, we trained karate together and he had a black belt. He was also not religious..

Q: Go on
A: This forum's role is mostly to keep me in touch with people from around the world, have some plain stupid fun and hearing various opinions on various themes, some deep and serious and others...err...not so deep and definitely not so serious.

Q: Do you tend to sing along when you hear a song you love?
a: yes when drunk, no when sober.

q: what kind of relationship do you have with alcohol?
A: I go out to 'meet' it when I have a good amount of money in my pocket. when I have a little less money, I invite it my home.

Q: I want to return to "this forum's role in your life" question, please ?
RampageSword said:
A: This forum's role is mostly to keep me in touch with people from around the world, have some plain stupid fun and hearing various opinions on various themes, some deep and serious and others...err...not so deep and definitely not so serious.

Q: teh same
A: Dunno, hard to say because I don't know what it would be like to be very old. 80's?

Q: Same
A: No, but a lot of them are
Q: Do you prefer a band to be at a certain tuning?
H? :lol:

A: Electric, But I really love a good Nylon stringed acoustic. I don't like steel stringed ones though. Never been very good at getting them to yell out.

Q: Your favourite musical Key?

@six string: My band has just gone into that C# standard tuning. It's metal as. Got me some Seymour Duncans in my Jackson Performer (Japanese version of the Rhodes V) and now it's just a beast of a guitar... http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a247/usermaatre/newshizm.jpg oof.