"New" (2006) Q&A thread

A: I think DT is under-appreciated in general. :p

Q: If there's something you really want to do, will you care what people think?
A : No. I did care once and it messed up my mind and ambitions. if you really want to do something, don't stop yourself because some people think it's a bad idea.

Q : Are you a nihilist?
A: Yes, but probably not. It's kind of a tough question to answer to definitively because I've never really been in a situation where I had to gauge how much I loved the person to that degree. I think there are three different loves, the first being family, followed by external stuff like friends and family, then the love for oneself, which is different altogether.

Q: You?
A: It's programmed in you. Thats kind of an interesting question though, because what if you were led to believe that the family you were living with was your biological family, but they actually weren't?
Q: Is there anyone on the planet you would kill?

Ah now it's all clear to me... :)
A: Not kill, but there sure are a lot of people I hate
Q: What are the qualities of your bros girlfriend that make you want to kill her?

Have I already asked the killing question?
A1: She's a horrible person and she's turning my brother into a horrible person. Plus she's brought a lot of pain to him, to my mother and to me.

A2: I don't know if it was you who asked it, but it was definitely asked before.

Q: So why do you leave these stories unfinished?
(NP: Something Corporate)
A: Is that a lyric?
Q: Do you need new music, or are you full up?
A1: It is. (Something Corporate - Walking by)

A2: I have more stuff than i listen to, but there's stuff i'd like to have and don't. *coughDTBOOTLEGScough* *hint hint* ;)

Q: Do you know what stars are? (Be poetic here, don't just go "enormous masses of helium and hydrogen" on me.)
A: Hmm, this is gonna be hard for a science geek... Let me try:
Behemoths in this solar system, but ants in this galaxy.
Q:Your turn.
A: Probably, if I were desperate enough :(
Q: You?

I liked Undo's. It was more personal poetry, not external
a: watching an old black-and-white film with my parents in the mountains, when i was about four. it's not exactly my dearest memory, in the sense that probably if i think hard enough some other one can keep up, but it's the one that most readily comes to mind whenever i try to put a picture to the idea of comfort during my childhood.

q: is the French word soubrette routinely used in your language? If so, what does it mean? (this springs from the fact that I found out that its use in Italian does not actually correspond precisely to the word's meaning in French)