New Children of Bodom vs Old Children of Bodom. The Argument.

Good point. Let's start the process...

So I'm eating some strawberry yogurt right now while listening to amazing classical/filmscore-esque music. Definitely awesome music to listen to while eating dairy products.

-edit-- Oh wait, it has to be COMPLETELY not related, I just brought up music. imdoinitwrong. SORRY :o

I lol'd! xD
But on a more serious note, OLD bodom ftw.
I prefer older Bodom.

This is because it was more fun, and more better, and sounded more original, as opposed to now where they seem to have gone on a LOG tangent.

And I do not like the LOG tangent. WHY DOES EVERY BAND HAVE TO SOUND LIKE LOG??!?!


But really, I do like older Bodom, there was more feeling, less watered down "let's cater to the younger generation" music.
they are becoming more and more of a mainstream metal band, but hatebreeder and FTR will always hold a special place
Funny how everyone who says they hate new Bodom still go to their concerts and scream the hell out of their lungs when songs from BD or AYDY are played.
It's stupid when anyone worships anyone else that much.

But kids will always go through phases like that with one person or another.
i think its pretty obvious that people who got into bodom pre AYDY? find it harder to compare the old classics to the newer....sludge. and the newer fans who got into bodom through aydy and blooddrunk like them better cause they are nooblets who didn't know what it was like to hear FTR when it was brand new groundbreaking stuff. if you can find an older fan that likes "newer bodom" better than "older bodom" then ill submit to your argument.
i think its pretty obvious that people who got into bodom pre AYDY? find it harder to compare the old classics to the newer....sludge. and the newer fans who got into bodom through aydy and blooddrunk like them better cause they are nooblets who didn't know what it was like to hear FTR when it was brand new groundbreaking stuff. if you can find an older fan that likes "newer bodom" better than "older bodom" then ill submit to your argument.

You speak SOME truth. But, i've been into bodom for a while and have lived through the phases FTR and on as a fan. NOW, i like all bodom, since they are indeed the greatest band EVER. I think it's just this, your definition of "nooblet" is anyone coming into COB fanhood post AYDY and hence likes AYDY and BD more. I Like all the albums, my favorite is hatebreeder, but i see NOTHING wrong with AYDY and BD, it's just musical evolution. Anyone who can't roll with that needs to just get over it. Your complaining won't change the course of their musical thought.