(New) Love/Hate Thread

Bloody Roar 2 is an immense game, highly recommended. Shame it's the only game in the series worth a shit though - Tobal No.1 is great if you can stomach the graphics and slightly dated mechanics. Tobal 2 is utterly superb, but it's a Japan-only title (luckily for me, i own a region free PSX :D )
How can I tell if I have one of those?

Love/Hate : Nearing the end of FFVII disc 1 :(

Also love : This Walt Simonson Fantastic Four book I just received. It looks awesome.
Hate : That the current Fantastic Four volume ends in April. :(
Ah. Gotcha. :lol:

Love : That I just started Ocarina of Time for the first time. Never had an N64, always had a Genesis and a PS1. Gotta say, though... Ocarina of Time is pretty awesome.
Legend of Zelda games make me feel retarded. And this is coming from a guy who only played the handhelds and barely touched Twilight Princess...

Love: I'm starting to develop a genuine love for Mental Vortex. Used to be my second least favourite, now Sirens and Semtex Revolution are my favourite tracks.
Hate: Didn't complete my statistics homework, the amount of note taking I need to get done, presentations soon.
Zelda games are interesting, but i've never actually played any of them really. Watched my friend beat the whole game that came out on the Wii when the console launched though, that one looked cool

Love: Alien: Isolation, Alien
Hate: Stuck in Alien: Isolation at the moment, sold something to someone on ebay and the item was actually broken. Gotta refund them, gaaah
I've never sat down and played Ocarina of Time properly.I played it a few times at a friend's place when I was about 8 (so probably around the time it came out) and on-off since then, but I've never indulged myself. I somehow think that it hasn't aged terribly well... I'll stick to A Link to the Past and Wind Waker :lol:

Love: Started Final Fantasy IX again, already up to Ipsen's Castle.
Oh, and how could I forget...

Love: Album artwork is done, song writing is done, recording starts in a week, band account getting sorted, press packs getting sorted, CD and merchandise pressing getting sorted, ten reviews lined up, live album stream over at Top Rock Radio lined up, and a bunch of shows lined up. Life in Vindicator UK ain't so bad once in a while.
You've never actually sat down and played it either? Now I don't feel so bad. :lol:

Vindicator's looking good! Can't wait to hear the final product!

Love : FFVII, Destiny, Cyclops #5, that my friend is going to see ZOSO Live tonight
Hate : Not much at the moment, as I have to day off work. :lol:
Oh, and how could I forget...

Love: Album artwork is done, song writing is done, recording starts in a week, band account getting sorted, press packs getting sorted, CD and merchandise pressing getting sorted, ten reviews lined up, live album stream over at Top Rock Radio lined up, and a bunch of shows lined up. Life in Vindicator UK ain't so bad once in a while.

Goooood, this pleases me.

Hate: We had to replace my brothers PS4 at gamestop because it had a problem with discs and for some reason the return policy with consoles is the same as the game return policy.
LOVE: My brother bought me Chile On Hell on bluray... holy crap this is absolutely fantastic
Hate: Nothing right now, aw yes
Love : The Walking Dead, Wytches #1, FFVII
Hate : One of the PS1 games I ordered came and was in shitty condition. "Very good" my ass.
Damn Dave, you're turning Keenan into you. :lol:

Love: Had a really good dream. Probably the best dream I've had all year.
Also Love: 30 Minutes of Euroslam. Amazing.
Hate: Stats exam Wednesday, accounting assignment Thursday, HR exam Friday.
^ :lol:

Damn Dave, you're turning Keenan into you. :lol:

Yeah, that fact that I'm in a PS1 nostalgia mood and the fact that my internet is so bad that sometimes my PS4 won't even WORK, I felt it was time to splurge. :lol:

Love : The Walking Dead, John Byrne's Superman reboot, FFVII
Hate : General work hooplah
Love: Saw Coroner (again) with Destruction, Carcass and others in Sélestat France last weekend. Was damn amazing! goddamn and real drunk. :kickass:
Very cool location.. But that area is in absolutely nowhere!
Really cool people too.

Hate: My bag with 2 Coroner Cd's (R.I.P. and Mental Vortex) which I wanted for signing - got stolen that night by some bastards.. called the police but they couldn't do fuckin anything! :mad::mad:

Makes me really feel depressed. Also hate being sick and real life bullshit.