(New) Love/Hate Thread

I didn't buy the new Devy disk but based on Rejoice I was kinda expecting it to turn out like Epicloud. I think I'll give Casualties another run.

Don't Like/Hate: Presentation got moved to next week which screws with what stuff I need to do for school, couldn't play basketball because the courts were scheduled for a tournament that not even the staff was aware of, the pool hall at school was filled with so many people that the waiting list would've taken hours for a game, the amount of school work itself that I need to finish within the next three weeks, my social life in contrast to my brother's, taking a unnecessary nap today and having to go to a different town to visit family in which they speak a language I'll never understand.


Love: Nothing so far. Maybe I'll order a pizza or something?
In Devin's defense, his record label wouldn't really let him do Z2 without doing another disc like Epicloud since that sold like gangbusters. I liked the first disc, I just haven't listened to it a second time. The only track that really stuck out to me was Silent Militia. I do heavily recommend the Ziltoid disc, that's where it's really at

Love: Good marathon of movies on AMC
Hate: Halloween 3, wow that sucked ass. Also fucking 2.0 messing up PSN and now the Evolve alpha is delayed
Love : FFIX, Castlevania : Symphony of the Night, stuffed crust pizza, how nice it is outside
Not sure : Daylight. Finished that game last night. Scary? Yes. Good? Uuuuhh...
Hate : Not much.
In Devin's defense, his record label wouldn't really let him do Z2 without doing another disc like Epicloud since that sold like gangbusters. I liked the first disc, I just haven't listened to it a second time. The only track that really stuck out to me was Silent Militia. I do heavily recommend the Ziltoid disc, that's where it's really at.

I don't mind the first disc or the Rejoice track (tbh I've kinda expected it from Devy at this point), I'm just saying that as a popish metal album, something he's good at making, it just felt a bit weaker.

Hate: Punched a pumpkin and injured my wrist :/

Please give me the context for this. Please.
I have to admit, I am curious too. :lol:

Love : The comics I read on lunch
Hate : My nose is bleeding for no reason
To cut a long story short, me and my friend (who does boxing) were given a pumpkin. We didn't want it, we were in central London and didn't want to carry it around. He said he was going to smash it on the ground, then decided to punch it - see if he could break it. So I held it while he punched it (twice), and failed to break it. Pronouncing pumpkins "actually really fucking hard!". He said you should punch it Podge, I said I dunno. He said go on, punch it - so I did. And I'll second that pumpkins ARE really fucking hard!!

P.S. We were sober.
You fuckin' pillock :lol:

Love: Had an immense weekend away from everything, which has really helped. Plus, I start a new job today (albeit only for two weeks initially) and - fuck me - the album's getting closer and closer.

Hate: For some reason, Chris and Ryan haven't put forward their cuts for the artwork so that's still unpaid for. Plus, this job is unpaid slave labour for two weeks until the Christmas temp position kick off, then after that - provided I get it - fuck knows. And despite my shifts being 6-10pm, mon-fri, it's a spanner in the works for rehearsals and such :(
Love : Seemingly fixed my laptop
Also love : Got platinum on inFAMOUS : Second Son
Hate : Work stress. Good lord... why...
Well, shit - HATE: New job hours. 6-10pm is ruthless, simply because I don't get home until midnight - despite being given travel expenses, they didn't account for the fact that I can't actually get a tram back into the city until 10:25, which gets into the city at 11. Problem is, the last expenses-applicable bus is at 10:50. So I'm still hemorrhaging money. Not to mention how sick all the fuckin' dust from that warehouse is making me... I ain't gonna last very long, I have to say.

Fours hours is all well and good, but if the place was in the city centre rather than a fucking hour outside of the city, and if I was actually getting paid for this shit, then it would be absolutely fine. I don't like the idea of working for half the minimum wage. And yes, I calculated it - my jobless scum allowance is £130 a fortnight, and two weeks worth of this equates to £260 on minimum wage. Which I don't get. Sounds more akin to slavery to me. Pretty much sick of Iain Dumb-Cunt Smith's bullshit at this point, getting a sanction seems like a fucking cakewalk by comparison.
Love : Getting S rank on MGS : Ground Zeroes on hard
Hate : This entire week of work. It's all been insanely stupid, and overly stressful.

BUT I'M OFF FOR TWELVE DAYS NOW. :lol: :D:kickass::hotjump::loco::loco::Smug:
Hate: I'm slowly developing anger issues, similar to a kid throwing a tantrum.

...actually, in general; Hate: A lot of things right now.
Sounds like me at work yesterday. Best solution? I suggest to do what I did. Go to Subway, listen to DTP's Ghost and achieve a state of zen.

Love : Devy, Walt Simonson Fantastic Four
Not sure : Advanced Warfare. Online is..... just... ugh.
Hate : /
Love: Feeling better from sickness.
HATE: Not being able to see Overkill tonight. :mad: But well Iam going to see em on a Festival next year still - though it really sucks because their club shows are the finest.
Read the whole post Dave and it fucking sucks.

Problem is, the last expenses-applicable bus is at 10:50. So I'm still hemorrhaging money.

I think this might be the worst part though. They should pay anyway! Regardless of the time. Bah! Hope you work something out (or rather, find something better) soon man. x
Well, shit - HATE: New job hours. 6-10pm is ruthless, simply because I don't get home until midnight - despite being given travel expenses, they didn't account for the fact that I can't actually get a tram back into the city until 10:25, which gets into the city at 11. Problem is, the last expenses-applicable bus is at 10:50. So I'm still hemorrhaging money. Not to mention how sick all the fuckin' dust from that warehouse is making me... I ain't gonna last very long, I have to say.

oh shit what the fuck?! :lol:

are they really serious about their working times? I don't get it. I thought I would only have this problem not getting back when I move home from Gigs late at night.
Love : The end of FFIX's third disc. YOU'RE NOT ALONE!!
Also love : The Dark Phoenix Saga
Hate : Advanced Warfare online. So many problems.