(New) Love/Hate Thread

well I only use facebook temporary - and chat with people I know. I realized lots of people there are dull in the brain (not all of course) but well Iam not really in a good condition right now - unemployment, shitty mood swings etc.
I guess I will stay in this forum - as long it's not dead yet and i can discuss music (more or less). But it's strange I didn't haven't the feeling there's so much going on here anymore except the usual posting in the threads and all.
LOVE : Captain America : Civil War's reveal trailer. Oh my god. This movie looks even better than I thought it would! My fears of having too much going on, and the reason for the fighting between Steve and Tony have been abated. I am so hyped.
Hate : Black Friday looms near. I feel death upon me.
love: I saw Vektor yesterday. Was fucking awesome but I didn't like the concert location. Talked with the drummer from Vektor and he was totally nice. Just sad I hadn't my Cd for signing with me :/
hate: massive hangover and ripping headaches. Feel like dying..
Love : Usagi Yojimbo, new Dream Theater single/news about the new album, Fallout 4
Hate : Having a cold. Ugh.
I've been prone to ear nfections since I was ten, so it's nothing new. But it doesn't make life easy in the slightest - the fact that I have to work through it is hard, since my balance is gone and I'm spaced out the whole time.And the whole being deaf thing. Yeah. I don't like being sick :( hahaha
Are you ever not sick? :lol:

Love : Usagi Yojimbo, FF7, new singles from Vektor, Obscura and Dream Theater
Hate : Crippling self doubt
Haha, these days I'm a bit more ill than I used to be given all the shit I've been through lately. Surprisingly though, before this shit kicked in, I'd felt better than ever - physically at least.
Nah, it isn't contagious - it's just something I get once in a while. I did tell my boss that my doctor called him - I shit you not - an "absolute moron" for putting someone in my state to work in a retail environment due to the danger I'm at, but at the end of the day, I need the money. And not to mention that I'd get a disciplinary for it most likely, since McColl's are extremely strict on people being off in December due to the whole Christmas rush bullshit
I know that feeling.

But I don't know the feeling of your ear infections and shit man, hope it gets better for you soon!

I've not been sick, but (WARNING: a bit gnarly) I do have a verruca on my left foot, which I've tried everything available over the counter to cure, but it's not worked. So I have to go to the doctor... I just put things off like this because I'm lazy / don't want to spend the little time off I have each week going to the doctors or whatever. But basically I'm just an idiot who has a too high pain threshold. I've had it for months and bearing in mind my job requires me to stand up for 10-11 hours straight it can be pretty uncomfortable some days. Also, I have an ingrown toenail on the same foot.

So basically, I need to go see the doctor and get my left foot amputated. Heavy!
well when I remember I got sick often and went into a total hypochondriac. I think it went more into a psychological disease because I had fear of work and also the pressure. Many others wouldn't understand it but it wasn't really the real sickness that was so bad.
Love: Saw Vektor last night. They were rad. Saw Joe there, didn't say hello to him (was waiting for the right time - which never came - sorry Joe if you read this... I KNOW you enjoyed the show though). Also love the fact I'm off work today.

Hate: The lack of pictures of Keenan's face.
You should've made your penises kiss :p

Hate: Ear infection update; I'm deaf now. Can only hear things through headphones or at screaming volumes, so I need to go to the hospital tomorrow. Fun bonus: My boss seemed to chew me out for it when I called in and struggled to hear what he was saying over the phone. Yeah, I get that two staff members are currently off in hospital already, but I'm no fucking use to your store if my balance is kaput and I CAN'T HEAR THE CUSTOMERS.

Seriously, I'm starting to think I should just become a hermit. I can't fucking have anything.
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