(New) Love/Hate Thread

I realise he'd not dead, but I miss Ol. And I still think Skull is sick as fuck and everyone who disliked it was a massive loser.

Evile for life, not just for Easter.

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Agreed. It's not a bad album, it's just not as good as Five Serpent's Teeth and Infected Nations.

Not sure : Seeing Batman/Superman on Saturday
Hate : Work stress. It grates on me so bad on some days.
Skull a disappointment? pff c'mon:erk:. It's a pure masterpiece for me. In the same vein as albums (and equally like Vektor's Outer Isolation or Havok - Time is Up) if not better.

It shows some really improvement after the very clean sounding Five Serpent's Teeth (which is also very awesome but still not as good)
One of my favorite albums besides Infected Nations.. but well I think we could discuss hours about that here.

Not to say it's one of my favorite modern Thrash metal albums ever. Half of all the Retro-thrash is just very exchangeable and uninspiring. Everyone tries to sound like bands like Slayer or Exodus how they sounded in the eightees. It's really boring..
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Love : Fallout 4, finished Daredevil season two on Netflix, Mark Millar & Bryan Hitch Fantastic Four vol. 1
Liked more than I thought : Batman v Superman. It was actually pretty good. Ignore the critics and see it!
Hate : Feeling kinda crappy
Love: the Exodus gig yesterday was pretty good actually. I really was stunned they played so much Songs from Tempo of the Damned.
I was really exhausted after it and sweated like hell.. just the audience sucked anyhow.

Hate: being totally fucking tired.
Love: Got Married last Friday and it was great! Saw Slayer with Testament and Carcass Saturday night and it was amazing. I took my 16 year old nephew and it was his first concert. After Carcass he turned to me and said, "I just lost my ear virginity" :lol: By the time Slayer took the stage he was head banging and throwing up the horns. I think I created a metal-head! :headbang::kickass:

Hate: Family and friends overstaying their welcome at my house and fucking up my shit.
Congratulations Zero!

Dave, totally getting on that shit yea'

I love: that fact I'm seeing My Dying Bride tomorrow night, for only the 2nd time. (Yes I know you all think they're lame but you should all know I love them more than my sister by now).

I hate: work totally failed to find cover for me ("Oh if I'm that indefensible perhaps you pay me more fucking money?!") so need to get up 5:30 and work all day, then go to the show, then get up and work the next day too...
I replayed FFX last year. Still as great as the first time.

Congrats on the marriage, Zero! :D

Love : Played the Platinum demo of Final Fantasy XV last night. It's more of a tech demo than anything else, but it's really interesting and has made me even more excited for the full game's release on it's now OFFICIAL RELEASE DATE, SEPTEMBER 30TH.
Also love : Fallout 4, Naruto Ultimate Ninja STORM 2, Kieron Gillen's short Thor run, Vektor
Hate : My sister's cat.
After listening to Skull from a month or so before it came out (got a copy to do a review) to right now, I still think it's a bit of a step back after Five Serpent's Teeth. Don't get it twisted though I absolutely loved Skull, seeing as I ordered the red vinyl, the black vinyl to get my name in the booklet, 4 of the cd versions, the sweatshirt, a FLAC version... :lol:

Love: Seinfeld, the FFXV demo was pretty cool despite being a tech demo, the doom beta
Hate: A lot of stuff, including the fact that I always forget to check on here