Damned in Flames
Love: On spring break! No work until April 1st!
Saw the Metal Alliance Tour last night and it was and awesome show! If this tour makes a stop in your town make sure you check it out.
The new Holy Grail songs sound better live than on the album, but there was something off about their sound. I think it was a problem with the venue.
Saw Municipal Waste for the first time and they had a big following...the mosh pit was crazy for them and they played a high energy set. I think these guys are aiming at the younger crowd with songs about drinking and partying.
I was really impressed with High on Fire. They were a nice change of pace given all the other thrash bands on this tour.
Second time seeing Exodus and they killed it. The most violent mosh pits of the night were during their set in which they played War is My Shepherd, Blacklist, Toxic Waltz, Bonded by Blood and another song or two that I am forgetting. Regrettably, they only played a half an hour and left the crowd wanting more.
After a long changeover Anthrax finally took the stage. They are playing the entire Among the Living album on this tour and it sounded great. They played the first five songs of ATL, played a few songs off Worship Music and AC/DC's TNT as an intermission before diving into the second half of ATL. I left after the Imitation of Life and overall it was a great concert.
Hate: Social life is stagnating to nonexistent.
Saw the Metal Alliance Tour last night and it was and awesome show! If this tour makes a stop in your town make sure you check it out.
The new Holy Grail songs sound better live than on the album, but there was something off about their sound. I think it was a problem with the venue.
Saw Municipal Waste for the first time and they had a big following...the mosh pit was crazy for them and they played a high energy set. I think these guys are aiming at the younger crowd with songs about drinking and partying.

I was really impressed with High on Fire. They were a nice change of pace given all the other thrash bands on this tour.
Second time seeing Exodus and they killed it. The most violent mosh pits of the night were during their set in which they played War is My Shepherd, Blacklist, Toxic Waltz, Bonded by Blood and another song or two that I am forgetting. Regrettably, they only played a half an hour and left the crowd wanting more.
After a long changeover Anthrax finally took the stage. They are playing the entire Among the Living album on this tour and it sounded great. They played the first five songs of ATL, played a few songs off Worship Music and AC/DC's TNT as an intermission before diving into the second half of ATL. I left after the Imitation of Life and overall it was a great concert.
Hate: Social life is stagnating to nonexistent.