(New) Love/Hate Thread

Like: Skull teaser. I'm really excited for Words of the Dead and Outsider.
Also Like: Food is tasty, Ben in drag. :lol:
Don't Like: School work, the inherit laziness, missing a few parties, general teenage bullshit.
Also Don't Like: Hey, Podgie, get rid of that damn white bar under the Aspid signature! It's making me obsessive!

Just for that, no album for you! :lol:

Dave, that's mean. Don't be mean.
Also Don't Like: Hey, Podgie, get rid of that damn white bar under the Aspid signature! It's making me obsessive!

I would, but I kind of like it :hypno:

Besides, (HATE...) the girl I love more than anything has left me, so I don't really give a fuck about anything else right now.
Noooooo. What happened Podgie? :(

Love : Batman & Robin #18, new comics
Hate : How stupid yesterday was and how stupid tomorrow will be
Guys, I'm sorry. I'm not going to go into detail but it's over, I messed up. We still love each other, so much, but she says she doesn't have the energy and hope to carry on... Obviously this breaks my heart and I've been pretty much begging her to change her mind for days now... but she has made her decision. I'm ashamed of myself for losing her, she was the best thing that ever happened to me and the most beautiful and amazing woman in the whole world. I don't know what I'm going to do without her.
Damn. I'm really sorry to hear that. That sucks man. :(

Love : Got my 100% completion back on Skyrim, Gojira, Grant Morrison's JLA, Transmetropolitan
Hate : How bad today is gonna be. It's gonna be so bad, that I'm actually looking forward to seeing just how bad it's actually gonna be.
Love/Hate: I start driving lessons tomorrow. :ill:

Urgh. I can't even believe I'm having to tell you guys that. :(:Puke:

Admittedly I was late to this, but you didn't need to tell us if you felt it wasn't necessary or you weren't comfortable with doing so. With that being said, we all are sorry that such an unfortunate event had to happen to you - you're one of the many people that don't deserve things like this to happen from what I've seen. Try to get better. :(
On the other hand, Love: Hideo Kojima's "Snatcher" (as seen in my avater). Just got to the final section of the game, which is another impossible shooting section that I chose to skip because FUCK YOU KEYBOARD CONTROLS. Definitely reeks of Kojima, the plot twists at the end - though relatively easy to figure out - never cease to amaze me. Truly a spectacle, that game deserves an HD Remake... nay, REQUIRES it! Kojima's terrific storytelling capabilities and lovly characters should be reintroduced, since it all came before the self-absorbed shittery that started to manifest around the time he wrote Metal Gear Solid 2. Not that any of it was that BAD, but it came across as self-congratulatory. None of that from Snatcher, it's just prime writing. Lovely game, really, really lovely.