(New) Love/Hate Thread

Fucking Confused: I've learned something. Women are even more depraved than men. Whenever the crew wathces a movie together, the girls spend the ENTIRE TIME assessing the male cast. Faces. Bodies. Hair. Everything. the entire time. I lived on top of a mountain for a year and a half with 7 other guys. The barriers were totally broken down and WE didn't even do that. you know. unless Rachel McAdams was in the film.
Love : Gojira
Hate : The weird ass dream I just had about.... Uuuh... Damn. I forgot what it was about. :lol:
Hate/Love: THIS. I've finally found something on the internet that is impossible to masturbate to. Seriously, this is so fucking hilarious but also soul-crushingly depressing since, y'know... this person actually exists.

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Love : Judas Priest, Iron Maiden
Hate : How fucking tired I am right now. Oh god. I worked my ass off for nearly seven hours straight.
HATE football in general

LOVE the whole "replacement refs" thing, i don't even watch football and it was still hilarious
Love : Civilization V, Injustice, Absolute Batman & Robin, Batman : The Return of Bruce Wayne
Hate : Not much really. I slept for like ten hours last night and I have all weekend off work.
N/A: Let's see how far I can get on Tuesday during my English presentation, playing banned songs by Cyndi Lauper, Mercyful Fate, Venom and Prince before I get suspended.
:lol: Three minutes is my guess. Anyone else?

Love : Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Ultimate Collection by Eastman and Laird Vol. 4, Batman : Arkham Asylum (the comic, not the game), Far Cry 3 : Blood Dragon, random music
Hate : I'm working a 5am shift tomorrow. This always leads to shit hitting the fan far earlier than expected.
Love : Buckethead, the leftovers from last night that I'm currently eating
Hate : Today. Fuck today.
Love: Sorting through all these delicious emulators! I own 99% of them anyway, but not having to swap discs/consoles all the time is a treat.
Hate: My current lack of a USB adapter or USB controller. Playing Donkey Kong Country on a keyboard is impossible.