(New) Love/Hate Thread

Yeah man, it's such a fucking mess around. I hate banks...

Also HATE: that 'cause I'm broke I can't really go down to London to work...

Love: Erm. It's not all bad... honest...
Love: New Behemoth is the blackest and most old school sounding thing they've ever done (bar their initial recordings - but they were shit) ...
Love : Mass Effect music, nearly finishing my Planetary omnibus, sleeping for like eleven hours
Hate : Not much for now

Love : Cynic, Steven Wilson, the music of the Mass Effect series
Also love : Walking Dead #120, Deadly Class #1
Hate : Not all that much
I'd divulge more, but this one is completely hush-hush :lol: But on a similar note...

Love: The IMMENSE progress that the Vindicator album has made over the past few weeks. Dare I say it... we're actually verging on recording now.
:lol: A fair few! Some of them get nixed early on due to schedule conflicts or simply due to unforseen circumstances; the crusty death metal thing I was doing got cancelled very late in the game due to Down Among the Dead Men releasing their album, to which my reaction was "Well, we're never going to do it better than/as good as that". Dingram Snr is aware of that one, though he found it more funny than anything hahaha.

Half the time it's nothing serious anyway. I most certainly won't expect this new album or Nefasturris to become full time projects, because at the end of the day, they're simply for fun and/or to satisfy my own creative urges. Self-congratulatory masturbation if you will hahahaha. Fun is definitely the name of the game with this new thing, though; One album, possibly one ive show or followup demo and it's finished for good. It's an escape from the serious business that Vindicator requires, y'know? :p
Sounds promising Dave, but as you say, it's the fun that counts! :)

Love: I made a decision. (If everything goes to plan...) I'm moving to London ASAP to work for a top coffee company, with my mate, who is also going to putting me up.
Hate: That these spontaneous live choices of mine rarely work out :/ so I'm a little scared... but fuck, what have I got to lose?

NOTHING. :lol:

Hate: You may remember I mentioned I was possibly going to be going out with some girl sometime, well, I told her about the job in London and stuff and I feel really bad because she said she feels strangely attached to me. Damn. I feel bad but, I can't pass up this opportunity... Damn, bad timing.
Love : Metallica, Nile, Devin Townsend, Rush
Also love : Seeing my sister make choices in Mass Effect :lol:
Excited about : DMZ possibly coming to SyFy as a TV show!
Hate : Work drama. I'm not even there and I still hear about this shit.
:lol: I realise that was rhetorical but... DON'T ASK ME. I'M THE SILLY SOD WHO KEEPS DOING IT TO MYSELF :lol:

Seriously though, she's cool... but probably not my future wife and mother of my children - so I guess I'll see if there are any exotic (foreign) London ladies to play out with when I get there eh.

Mandatory love/hate: LIFE ... It's so awesome and yet god AWFUL at the same time.