(New) Love/Hate Thread

^I don't think I'm emotionally ready for that quite yet. Totally gonna buy it anyway. :lol: IT'S GONNA BE AWESOME.

Love : Mass Effect, Superior Spider-Man, Iron Maiden
Hate : Inventory is today. 18 hour work shift is nearly a go.
^I don't think I'm emotionally ready for that quite yet. Totally gonna buy it anyway. :lol: IT'S GONNA BE AWESOME.

I pre-ordered it digitally so I can just start it up at midnight, I'm so excited. I've heard something big is supposed to happen in it... should be awesome.
Love: I start my trial period for my new job on Monday! Plus, I went to see my buddies in Xerxes (or Sexrex/Xerexs/Xerox) last night, which was the first time I'd been out to a gig I wasn't hosting or playing in fucking ages.
Hate: One of the singers for End of Atlas was wearing a Chainsaw Penis shirt, so what does Mr. Stamps do? Clock her and introduce the two of us, dubbing me as a member of Chainsaw Penis. The bastard. The worst part is, Chainsaw Penis themselves actually class me as a member. THIS IS NOT HOW I WANTED MY LIFE TO TURN OUT.
Love: The Last Of Us: Left Behind kicked my ass this morning... wow.
Hate: That's going to be the only story DLC for the game
^I'm getting ready to start that in a little bit. Extremely excited.

Love : Being off work for ELEVEN DAYS, Gorillaz, Mass Effect Universe art book, Miracleman
Hate : /
Love: Had a great valentines day yesterday for the first time in years! I don't want to jinx it, but I've been dating this woman since August and it is going well. For Valentines day she got me Coroner's R.I.P. on cd.:kickass:

Hate: The students in my classes have developed a case of the lazies. Seriously, over half of them are failing right now and we are 1/2 way through the quarter. They will be doing research on topics related to Russian history and Geography next week. I hope it motivates them.:lol:
Love : Mass Effect 3 online, Mass Effect comics
Also love : Cable and X-Force/Uncanny X-Force Vendetta crossover. It was actually pretty awesome.
Hate : Not much
Love : The Authority, Cynic's new album, watching trailers for The Order : 1886
Hate : Eye doctor appointments
Love: MGSV: Ground Zeroes comes out so soon, and the comparison trailer confirmed that the PS4 version is the best looking :D
Hate: Might not have the money to get it, since my paypal account is currently $-110....