(New) Love/Hate Thread

Hate: The ending was a tad bit weird, and there's no word on when the DLC will be out.
Love : Playing through missions I never did on my first time through Mass Effect 2
Hate : Some of the people I work with. I swear, I think some of them have the IQ of a grape.
Love: My new job. Beginning to get the hang of latte art and I'm picking up more and more coffee knowledge every day. Also love living in London (even if I am sharing a room, sleeping on a floor and have zero 'own space')

Hate: It's only two days a week at the moment so I'm pretty screwed for money. My mates shower sometimes only gives out freezing cold water, and that's a no go when your hair is as long as mine. And for the first time in my life, I feel like I'm being used by a girl :/ odd!

(Haven't been online much recently, hope everyone is good!)
Latte art is wicked cool. Doing it is an actual job?

Love: Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes. Wow.
Hate: The wait for The Phantom Pain.
Love : Joe Satriani
Hate : Damn close to everything else. Working overnights while our store gets remodeled? Fucking horrendous.
Latte art is wicked cool. Doing it is an actual job?

Yeah man! I'm a barista down in London now.

This is my best art so far, but I'm only still learning the milk... I need A LOT more practice... but I'm getting there!

Fantastic! Love the old Sonic logo.

Love : Batman #29. Probably the only "great" series left in the New 52.
Hate : Overnight shifts, construction workers
Love : GTA Online shenanigans, Strapping Young Lad
Hate : Having a nightmare about work, waking up in a sweat, and not being able to sleep for two hours. Then I had the most badass dream about seeing Strapping Young Lad in concert and my fucking alarm goes off. Typical Keenan story right there.
Love: After a month of getting random fucking fees from ebay, paypal, and bank of america i'm finally out of the negative in my accounts. In other news, my "Go to Florida to see my brother graduate from college" fund is at $10
Hate: I need $200, and I only have $10 so far. :erk:

In less whiney news, I got a Fox tattoo
Love the tattoo. MGS is awesome.

Love : Off day tomorrow
Hate : Wanting to play Dark Souls again, then playing it and remembered why I hated it
Love: On Spring break from college...
Hate: Girlfriend Drama...she wants me to be more serious and committed to our relationship, but I'm really happy where it is right now. Why mess with something that isn't broken? :lol:
massive Hate: Again feeling fuckin sick. Drank alot of tea and shit but it only gets better in very small steps. Dropped in some tabloids again to numb the pain atleast abit. Also Resurrection and Overkill have cancelled their tours/veneus. For Overkill I still understand it because of personal issues but fuck the other band.

Love: Yesterday I wrote down the Coroner - Golden Cashmere Sleeper Pt.1 lyrics. I don't know why no one figured them out by themselves..