New Question&Answer Thread!

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A: a little. i hope possible future changes in my signature and profile details, somewhat related to the aforementioned user, won't shock you as much and yet that they won't go unnoticed.

Q: "starry starry night". go on.
"Twinke twinkle star". Now I would like to ask "wtf?", but I'll pass that one.

What do you do when you have too much music (that you're sure 90% sure of liking too) to check out?
Get despaired. And then probably listen to only 10% of it and leave the rest for later.

What do you do when you think you have too big challenges/workload ahead?
Totally, but at least I try to think of new questions instead of asking a million times why humanity sucks ass.

Just to be a bit random for once (in the context)....who's Melinda?
I think she was asking for exactly what you answered. Can't know for sure obviously, what with not being able to read minds. It would certainly go in correspondence with my question too.
Plus I don't see why anyone would want to know about Ajattara. :p (lame joke, ignore)

Is CSI full of shit or is (using the wonderful genetive that I learned from rahvin here) a citizen of the United State's criminal record really cleared when he/she/it turns 21?
Something above average obviously, because my friends always turn the volume down a bit if I make them listen to something on my discman. Nevertheless, I don't want the volume to be overtly loud. In other words, dance clubs are Satan's creations.

Is CSI full of shit or is (using the wonderful genetive that I learned from rahvin here) a citizen of the United State's criminal record really cleared when he/she/it turns 21? I would like an answer from someone who knows. Can't find anything on the subject with Google.
Sure. That does not necessarily make your cats good sig material however. And even if it did (which it may) you'd still have to put something together that looked half decent.
TheFourthHorseman said:
Is CSI full of shit or is (using the wonderful genetive that I learned from rahvin here) a citizen of the United State's criminal record really cleared when he/she/it turns 21?
18, and only for misdemeanors and some felonies.

If you had to change your name, what would you change it to?
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