A: I was going to skip this question or just say 'Math' at the risk of sounding like a complete nerd..
But after reading
Siren's post I don't feel like such a nerd after all

(I'm just kidding

fucktards they are)
Q: ..your best and worst subject?
Northern Lights said:
Am I the only one who chose convicting an innocent? Just as you can reason that the guilty guy will probably get himself into trouble again (which is great if he's a child molesting serial killer, right?), an innocent can always take action to get himself out of jail. It also depends very much on the sentence and the criminal - letting an innocent spend 3 months in jail is in my opinion preferable to letting a madman go free to do whatever he wants to whoever he chooses.
I had a long comparative argument as reply to this, explaining my strong disagreement with you, but it got too lengthy and ..blah.
Now, I'll just say this:
Innocent people DO go to jail, and the stories are some of the saddest things to hear. For innocent people to go to jail is, in a way, a crime on its own. Not only that, but it is a crime that
somebody, or a group of people got away with and will never be made accountable for, which makes your preference somewhat flawed by paradox.
From a more personal perspective, I can tell you that I would prefer to get stabbed 5 times in the stomach and have the asshole get away with it, than have my freedom taken away.
I would also rather be killed (though not without a fight) than to serve a
life sentence in jail.. every waking day knowing what's out there and that I won't taste it again ..taste life, taste freedom. It'd be like having your life, your hopes, and dreams taken from you, but living with the pain of that separation each and every day..
If the person is innocent, that would be worse a crime than murder itself..