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Kir, I look at ur avatar and don't get it - why Ivan Bragin posts as Kir......... LOL, another thing...
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Indeed, where is everybody??? Sonm, how is Demona???.... How is everything, guys??!?!?!?!?!????????????????????
God almighty!
This CD is definitely something odd. We were working like crazy starting from 8.00 and going to bed after 2 a.m. All growlds are finished and like 30% of the clean vocals are finished too. Unfortunately Omin has managed to drive into a cow going like 80 km/h, fortunately he has a good reaction and the car got only minor damages, the cow is fine too. I am dying to mix something down and upload it but damn I don't have all drum tracks at my place. I beleive you all will understand and exuse us for making you wait so long. Now I understand WHY we have it moving so damn slow. The amount of music is enormous for one CD. There are almost no repeating parts. Sometimes the amount of the key layers jumps up to 17(!!!!!!). I beleive it could have been much easier in a studio though. But I know a few things for sure: gutar work is much better than the one in ToMS, keys are also have grown up since that, and both my clean vocals and growls sound more solid now. Well, actually the CD is essentially finished, BUT I'd like to have one more song to make it finished logically and conceptually as well... I estimate the total time needed for that not longer than 2-3 weeks (what and asshole I am!!) (some clean vocals are damn difficult to record too...).
But am gonna talk to Brett who is going (poor guy!) to help us with mixing and mastering... Maybe we'll have to send our masters to him without that last song. Do you guys think one song matters that much (it's damn beautiful and sad though)?!
Sonm, I beleive that the song does matter and that you should wait to include that one before sending the masters off. If you left it off the album then in our and definately your minds, the album perhaps would be incomplete.

Thanks for considering my advice and thanks so much for the update!!
Yes we actually were thinking the same thing. Today I've sent a premixed version of The Seventh Symphony of Satan to Lee... Let us see what he says... perhaps "And you've shpent olmost ein yaar on tat shite ye cunts?"
LOL, I'd like to make a stress that the song doesn't contain "to Lee".

P.S. Nuendo sucks as the worst sucking object on da Earth. I almost can see a horrifying vortex in the atmosphere...
Another snippet? Arghh... But we've recorded it. It's not either mixed or mastered. Basically it all sounds like a rough piece of meat would taste instead of a fried one! Not a single sound processing was done. It's not even equalized. A dry sound underneath several effects, how it goes from the guitar to a processor or an amplifier. But if you want to get the idea just gimme your e-mail...
Thanks a lot for the song, Sonm. "The Autumn Dancers"... There's so much just in this title for me. Two years have passed since you first posted a clip from this song. And you know, It's been a rough time for me and this clip appeared as a consolation to me. You know, it's something what makes you fell that you're not standing alone with your pain.

And now it is a little shock for me. This song is still urgent for me, I guess there's no wonder for you. BUT! I am just 21, my life is always like a thunder, it changes every day and changes everything upside down with the speed of light. Such a feeling that there's nothing stable sometimes...
Seems that I started losing my idea. I just wanted to say that there are some things which you will carry on through your life, which will never change, which will always stay the same to you. And your music seems to be that one, still same thoughts, still same feelings, still same shiver down the spine.

There are some things I would like to see\hear in other way, 'cause it is in my vision's limits but I also understand that you are kings in that and it's all up to you.

Thank you for your music! I guess that really soon we'll be able to hear the album versions of those amazing upcoming songs. But anyway waiting (as long as it takes) still worth for me, you know...
Just wanted to inform you that Omin is recording guitars for the last track... On Wednesday we take some studio time to finish drums for the last track, then do the rest of clean vocals and that's it... My to hope Lee to send me him comment about me primitive lyric too.
Everything should be finished this sunday. And we have recorded song called "Beautiful Nature". After all we have...
1. Intro
2. The Crown of Winter
3. Bless you to die
4. Autumn Dancers
5. The Seventh Symphony of Satan
6. Mired
7. Beautiful Nature
8. Outro
+ several light etudes in between like those available at myspace.
Ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffooooooooooooooooooo... I can't beleive it...
some pics from recording session 27th august 2008


