---> new to the forum? introduce yourself here <---

Why hello Mrs.Gigi! I think I know you from somewhere... hehe :lol: .

Well, so I can see a little bit more of the love of my life, I'm so happy :) :) :) .

Well, me and Mrs.Gigi have been dating for 1 year and three months, and well, as you probably know, I'm gonna end up marrying her hehe.

The patience that this lady has had with me is amazing... hehe *cries*.

Ah well, wilkommen zu die Phorum mein Liebe, hope ye post a lot n.n (I'll make ye anyway :heh: ).

Bye, love yu, - . -
UndoControl said:
Of course, especially when listening to DT.

Ah, you meant rock, not headbang... :D Of course we do; our girls must have seen SOMETHING in us. :D

Yeah... I wonder what that was :lol: ?


It's because of DT!!! Listening to DT lets you score chicks!!! Holy shit!!! :hypno: :hypno: :hypno:

UndoControl said:
Of course, especially when listening to DT.

Ah, you meant rock, not headbang... :D Of course we do; our girls must have seen SOMETHING in us. :D

Let me guess: 2 pieces of lung, a liver, a stomach, about 8m of instestines, a semi-functional brain, a pancreas, a pair of bladders, a beating heart, and most importantly, your love for your respective girlfriends.
Lil' Bloodred Ridin' Hood said:
Haha treu, if so they'd leave us instantly... how sad...:waah: .

Are you talking about these naked girls picture in their tour bus?
Sincerely, if your girlfriend leaves for that :P.... LOLLLLL
This is my introduction.

I like Heavy Metal, Beer, Women. I dont like school but it takes its fare share of my time. Im from OKC. I am in the Army. I hate banwagon jumpers :mad: . I can appreciate anything with quality. Be an individual.
Power to the people, not the government!
KitKat said:
Are you talking about these naked girls picture in their tour bus?
No, he's talking about the things they do with the band in the tour bus. :heh:

Welcome aboard, Lamb.
hey im pretty new to the forum. My name is Josh and dark tranquillity is my second favorite fuckin band. I've been postin mainly in the children of bodom section.The only D.T. albums i own are sadly the gallery,projector,damage done and character,this is because i hate re releases and refuse to by the re done minds i and skydancer.I got into D.T. the wrong way but i fuckin love them. Mikeal Stanne is one of my biggest vocal influences and his lyrics are fucking amazing.